
  • Just be careful when you do squat and first learn how to step on the floor and to handle the bar with hands for better grips. Make sure you breath and push it slowly. Play mp3 player and stare at yourself in the mirror. Don't worry about others what they think. They are jealous of you :)
  • I wouldn't just take BCAA's....why if you can take whey protein and you get everything in the protein whey such as BCAA's, Glutamine, vitamins, etc. You recommending carbs? why?...
  • I do anything on off days but no cardio or work out. I mostly rest my body for the next week :) I also eat a lot to fix muscle tissues and feed my muscles. I don't drink or smoke. Stay home and relax to watch movies or nap. Once in a while I go walk to the park or mall.
  • Good job folks!! :) I hate running here in upstate NY its getting cold. :(((
  • Yes, your body need some rest and your mind too. I can tell you are over trained and your muscles are tired. Get yourself Optimum Nutrition Whey protein in whatever flavor you like. DON"T get casein or weight gainer. If you have some extra cash, get also good multivitamin. Walmart has 180 pills of multivitamin for 10…
  • That's fine if you are doing completely work out for your body from free weight and machines. I recommend you to do some light cardio such as riding a bicycle or jogging at least. Only one time a week is enough.
  • Can you do a routine like this? Monday: Chest/triceps/Abs/ Cardio (30min run or jog ) Tuesday: Cardio Wednesday: Back/biceps/Cardio (30min run or jog ) Thursday: Cardio Friday: Legs/ Abs / Cardio ( 30min run or jog ) Saturday: off Sunday: off Or Monday: Cardio ( 1 hour ) Tuesday: Cardio (1 hour ) Wednesday: Chest/ Triceps/…
  • I smoke meat during fall and winter and I have a lot of smoke meats. Mostly beef and I cut them into small cubes and fry them on the pan for the aroma and then add on top of that scrambled eggs. Yummy. You know whats the nasty pork bacon has the smell? well the beef is better and strong aroma. :) I make pancake out of…
  • Increase the weights and lower the reps in free weight or machines. You need to rest your body as well. Don't over train. :) Good luck.
  • Caryn, you are doing perfect. I don't see anything wrong with your routine. I would suggest on your diet. Eat clean and limit carbs with fat. Eat one handful raw parsley every morning; it will drain water retention. Try for a week and see how it go.
  • You need a protein shake after you finish your work out. Drink it right away when you finish your last work out. Your body is burning and eating your own muscles. You need a protein shake every time you work out. Go to nearest Sam's club and buy a bag of 10lbs protein powder for $35. Muscle tech brand.