Want Muscle and Want Fitness - Help!

The LAST thing I want to achieve is "fat skinny". This is the workout routine I try my best to achieve. As I go sailing every second weekend, I am trying to do 12 days on, 2 days off:

Day 1:
Warmup 10 mins eliptical
25 minutes upper body weight training (mostly machines)
To get Heart Rate Up again: 10 mins eliptical
25 mintues upper body weight training (tiny bit of free weights and body weight exercises)
Cooldown 10 mins eliptical

Day 2:
Swim approx 60mins (2Km)

Day 3:
Warmup 10 mins eliptical
25 minutes lower body weight training (mostly machines)
To get Heart Rate Up again: 10 mins eliptical
25 mintues lower body weight training (tiny bit of free weights and body weight exercises)
Cooldown 10 mins eliptical

Day 4:
Swim approx 60mins (2Km)

Rinse and repeat... until Day 13 & 14: RECOVERY

As much as I really want muscle, I also want fitness. I love to participate in Sprint Triathlons and am training for a 1 mile swim race in February.

Does anyone have any advice regarding my programme. I also love to run & cycle but have plantar faciitis at the moment and it's taking a long long time to heal.

So bottom line - WANT MUSCLE & WANT FITNESS, is this achievable? And is it achievable based on my current programme?


  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Any takers? :grumble:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you want muscle are you eating at a surplus?

    3 x full body workouts and then 2 x swimming for fitness is fine, but the more cardio you do, the more you have to eat!
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    if you want muscle are you eating at a surplus?

    3 x full body workouts and then 2 x swimming for fitness is fine, but the more cardio you do, the more you have to eat!

    You see that's the problem, I'm trying to loose weight at the same time. Here are my stats

    Age: 44 female
    Height: 5'4.5"
    Current Weight: 150Lbs
    Goal Weight: 132.2 Lbs

    Daily averages over the past seven weeks:

    Cals 1527 / Carbs 163 (32 over where they should be) / Fat 41 / Protein 78 / Cholest 149 / Sodium 1701 / Sugar 21 (fruit) / Fibre a very low 18 / Daily Exercise Cals 393 (averaged over 7 weeks this is the daily average)
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I think you would reach your goals and avoid the skinny fat in time. Personally I think you would reach then faster if you tweaked things just a bit.

    If I were you I would still do your 10 minute warm up. Then move on to the weights but try to start moving to the free weights instead of the machines and body weight stuff. I wouldn't hit cardio to up your heart rate until after you were done with your weights though. When you start hitting weights harder its easy to toggle your heart rate up and down when your pushing hard and to really get that growth you need to be putting that stress on there which an elevated heart rate already may deter from how intense you can lift. I'd hit up a quick cardio after done with weights as a finishing touch to get that heart rate up for 15-30 mins.

    Swimming is awesome, wish I could do that.

    I'd also throw in a 3rd day at the weights a week. Maybe toggle between upper or lower if your against a full body routine. Just my 2 cents.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    I think you would reach your goals and avoid the skinny fat in time. Personally I think you would reach then faster if you tweaked things just a bit.

    If I were you I would still do your 10 minute warm up. Then move on to the weights but try to start moving to the free weights instead of the machines and body weight stuff. I wouldn't hit cardio to up your heart rate until after you were done with your weights though. When you start hitting weights harder its easy to toggle your heart rate up and down when your pushing hard and to really get that growth you need to be putting that stress on there which an elevated heart rate already may deter from how intense you can lift. I'd hit up a quick cardio after done with weights as a finishing touch to get that heart rate up for 15-30 mins.

    Swimming is awesome, wish I could do that.

    I'd also throw in a 3rd day at the weights a week. Maybe toggle between upper or lower if your against a full body routine. Just my 2 cents.

    Thanks a ton. Yes I'm trying 12 days on 2 days off (because I sail every second weekend so training is out). So I'm doing weights 6 days out of 12 and swimming 6 days out of 12. Then recovering for 2 days. And what a recovery... :drinker: :drinker:

    I will have a go at the free weights..... just scared of looking like an *kitten*. :blushing:
  • BIH92
    BIH92 Posts: 14
    Caryn, you are doing perfect. I don't see anything wrong with your routine. I would suggest on your diet. Eat clean and limit carbs with fat. Eat one handful raw parsley every morning; it will drain water retention. Try for a week and see how it go.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Caryn, you are doing perfect. I don't see anything wrong with your routine. I would suggest on your diet. Eat clean and limit carbs with fat. Eat one handful raw parsley every morning; it will drain water retention. Try for a week and see how it go.

    Thanks for that tip - off to the shops to stock up on parsley.
  • phatguerilla
    phatguerilla Posts: 188 Member
    I don't understand this mid session heart rate thing if you're heart rate is dropping while lifting (machines or free weight) then realistically the weight isn't heavy enough or you're taking too long between sets.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    No reason to worry about looking like an *kitten*, everyone in the free weights section is there for the same reason and get it. Just research the movements/form beforehand and don't be afraid to ask others questions. You'll find most anyone in there will go way out of their way to help you. In fact you will get a lot of respect for just being a female and having the guts to come over there.

    Also, macros look good but up that protein. You can ride the fat loss muscle gain for a bit when you first start out with weights. This won't always be the case so get after it now while you can.
  • BIH92
    BIH92 Posts: 14
    Increase the weights and lower the reps in free weight or machines. You need to rest your body as well. Don't over train. :) Good luck.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I would for sure try the free weights, and increase the weight, no one's going to look at you I promise I felt strange at first, but now I still go and use the free weights (even being about 8 1/2 months pregnant) and if I don't get strange looks you won't either :-)
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    I don't understand this mid session heart rate thing if you're heart rate is dropping while lifting (machines or free weight) then realistically the weight isn't heavy enough or you're taking too long between sets.

    I think it's a combination of both. I'm going to go heavier. I find the machines the most beneficial for lower body, but free weights for upper body. Gosh there is so much to digest. :ohwell:
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    No reason to worry about looking like an *kitten*, everyone in the free weights section is there for the same reason and get it. Just research the movements/form beforehand and don't be afraid to ask others questions. You'll find most anyone in there will go way out of their way to help you. In fact you will get a lot of respect for just being a female and having the guts to come over there.

    Also, macros look good but up that protein. You can ride the fat loss muscle gain for a bit when you first start out with weights. This won't always be the case so get after it now while you can.

    Thanks a stack Elliot! I will definately take your advice.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Increase the weights and lower the reps in free weight or machines. You need to rest your body as well. Don't over train. :) Good luck.

    Do you think I should reassess the 12 days on 2 days off option?
  • BIH92
    BIH92 Posts: 14
    Increase the weights and lower the reps in free weight or machines. You need to rest your body as well. Don't over train. :) Good luck.

    Do you think I should reassess the 12 days on 2 days off option?

    Can you do a routine like this?

    Monday: Chest/triceps/Abs/ Cardio (30min run or jog )
    Tuesday: Cardio
    Wednesday: Back/biceps/Cardio (30min run or jog )
    Thursday: Cardio
    Friday: Legs/ Abs / Cardio ( 30min run or jog )
    Saturday: off
    Sunday: off


    Monday: Cardio ( 1 hour )
    Tuesday: Cardio (1 hour )
    Wednesday: Chest/ Triceps/ Abs/ light cardio
    Thursday: Back/ Biceps/ light cardio
    Friday: Legs/ Abs/ light cardio
    Saturday: off
    Sunday: off

    I am sorry I didn't read that you are doing your work out straight 12 days and 2 days off. That is not good for your body. You need to follow those two routine as I have suggested to you. Do it right and you need to rest your body. Don't work out for 5 min and give up. Bring your mp3 player play some techno music and get your *kitten* on fire.

    I would give a break on swimming because your body need a little rest from it.

    Take a post work out after you finish your work out. Drink a protein shake right away. Try Optimum Nutrition protein shake. You will like the flavor. I promise you :) Now, have fun and let me know if you have question or PM.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Increase the weights and lower the reps in free weight or machines. You need to rest your body as well. Don't over train. :) Good luck.

    Do you think I should reassess the 12 days on 2 days off option?

    I think you would be better off doing 6 days on 1 day off than 12/2. You probably won't "overtrain". I've been doing 6/1 for almost a year now and I am in good shape. You won't hurt yourself doing that. 1 day off a week is what you need, and, if I remember correctly, is what many fitness professional back up.

    Don't listen to BIH92. Keep up swimming. Swimming is great for you. If I had a pool I would swim a lot. But I don't and my gym doesn't.

    Maybe take a look at New Rules of Lifting for Women? I've heard good things about it. And, as others have said, do more free weights, less machines. Everyone looks like an *kitten* at first lol. It's a bell curve of *kitten*. The noobs look like *kitten*, and the jacked dudes lifting 800x their body weight also look like *kitten*.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Everyone looks like an *kitten* at first lol. It's a bell curve of *kitten*. The noobs look like *kitten*, and the jacked dudes lifting 800x their body weight also look like *kitten*.

    Oh yes.... every gym has those.... and they fart when they lift. Yuck! :grumble:
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Increase the weights and lower the reps in free weight or machines. You need to rest your body as well. Don't over train. :) Good luck.

    Do you think I should reassess the 12 days on 2 days off option?

    I think you would be better off doing 6 days on 1 day off than 12/2. You probably won't "overtrain". I've been doing 6/1 for almost a year now and I am in good shape. You won't hurt yourself doing that. 1 day off a week is what you need, and, if I remember correctly, is what many fitness professional back up.

    Don't listen to BIH92. Keep up swimming. Swimming is great for you. If I had a pool I would swim a lot. But I don't and my gym doesn't.

    Maybe take a look at New Rules of Lifting for Women? I've heard good things about it. And, as others have said, do more free weights, less machines. Everyone looks like an *kitten* at first lol. It's a bell curve of *kitten*. The noobs look like *kitten*, and the jacked dudes lifting 800x their body weight also look like *kitten*.

    I may have to settle for six days on 1 day off one week, and then
    five days on, 2 days off the next week because of my sailing every other weekend.

    I can be a little obsessive compulsive and always bite off more than I can chew.... maybe it's time to get sensible!
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Increase the weights and lower the reps in free weight or machines. You need to rest your body as well. Don't over train. :) Good luck.

    Do you think I should reassess the 12 days on 2 days off option?

    Can you do a routine like this?

    Monday: Chest/triceps/Abs/ Cardio (30min run or jog )
    Tuesday: Cardio
    Wednesday: Back/biceps/Cardio (30min run or jog )
    Thursday: Cardio
    Friday: Legs/ Abs / Cardio ( 30min run or jog )
    Saturday: off
    Sunday: off


    Monday: Cardio ( 1 hour )
    Tuesday: Cardio (1 hour )
    Wednesday: Chest/ Triceps/ Abs/ light cardio
    Thursday: Back/ Biceps/ light cardio
    Friday: Legs/ Abs/ light cardio
    Saturday: off
    Sunday: off

    I am sorry I didn't read that you are doing your work out straight 12 days and 2 days off. That is not good for your body. You need to follow those two routine as I have suggested to you. Do it right and you need to rest your body. Don't work out for 5 min and give up. Bring your mp3 player play some techno music and get your *kitten* on fire.

    I would give a break on swimming because your body need a little rest from it.

    Take a post work out after you finish your work out. Drink a protein shake right away. Try Optimum Nutrition protein shake. You will like the flavor. I promise you :) Now, have fun and let me know if you have question or PM.

    Thanks so much for the advice. I have plantar faciitis that is taking so long to heal so I've had to swap out the running for swimming. And yes, I'm taking a protein shake and as soon as the brand I have is finished, will try ON. The store is right by the gym.
  • BIH92
    BIH92 Posts: 14
    Yes, your body need some rest and your mind too. I can tell you are over trained and your muscles are tired. Get yourself Optimum Nutrition Whey protein in whatever flavor you like. DON"T get casein or weight gainer. If you have some extra cash, get also good multivitamin. Walmart has 180 pills of multivitamin for 10 bucks. Its called Super B complex and I take it too. I love it. Don't worry about the neon urine when you go in the bathroom. Haha :)