

  • Going to start the Blogilates beginners calendar later today! I always try to do it but for some reason or another stop after a few days. This time I'm determined to finish the whole thing and I hope that I manage to keep it up and it shows some results! Hopefully posting and discussing it with you guys will help motivate…
  • Every time I go to the gym, I try to stay for at least an hour on the cross trainers which usually burns about 500 calories. Wish I could be motivated enough to work out harder! Definitely wish I could be burning at least 1000 calories, but hopefully every little counts!
  • Just rediscovered MFP, particularly the message boards section! Made the account awhile back but didn't actually use it properly, however I'm determined to do it properly this time. This sounds like a great idea! I know it's already the 18th but I'll do my best! :smile: Did one hour at the gym earlier - cross trainer.…