tryanother Member


  • Did I say tropical??? I meant exotic! English not being my first language and all. :#
  • Thank you for clearing that up... ;)
  • I used to eat them back, but I didn't lose any weight so I stopped completely. I feel fine though - not hungry at all. I might start eating them back once I have a HRM etc. to ACCURATELY measure calories burned. I think the fact that I did not lose had more to do with MFP overestimating calories burned during exercise. I…
  • This happened to me... I stopped eating back any calories from exercise (I don't even log it anymore). With the over estimation on exercise calories and under estimation on food, I was maintaining without realising it. I don't use a fitbit though. This 'not losing' gave me such a hard time, but I try to learn more every…
  • OCD Alert!!! Every shop I walk into, I see it... Bright, colourful measuring cups and spoons. I have to have them. (Never mind the fact that I already have a drawer dedicated to MY CUPS). The pretty scales with lots of buttons. Yes, I have to have these too. I HATE dishing up from a bowl of food where others have dished up…
  • I did the exact same thing - NO LOGGING over December and January and gained 10 pounds. Now, I can't seem to get rid of them! It was a learning curve for me. Personally, I will have to log for the rest of my life because I have an addictive personality. Either be addicted to food or be addicted to logging. Can't have it…
  • I agree with the above. Lower carb, even though I do not make it an issue... Insulin regulating meds (Glucophage) helps a bit. I know when I've eaten too much carbs - it feels like a huge hangover without any liquor. And some fruit is a BIG no-no as it spikes my blood sugar to such an extend that I start trembling. I was…
  • I log both on the computer at work and the phone app. When our internet is down, nothing syncs and I just give up... I bumped my calories back up to what MFP suggests. Fingers crossed this works.
  • Thanks for the input. Our internet connections are horrible some days, thus my lack of logging. I will however try to find Wi-Fi on these to make sure I log accurately. I agree that this might be a good starting point. Going to leave exercise calories alone for a few weeks and then maybe add 100 a week to see...
  • This is so funny! Just this morning my hubby grabbed some dried fruit I had already weighed and logged! I almost died... Honestly!
  • I have lost almost 73 lbs since the beginning of 2014 WITH PCOS. It can be done! Good luck! Be consistent.
  • I want to be you right now! I started at about the same weight as you. I have lost 60lbs. Almost half way to my goal. I whish I could have one of those 'movie moments' with music in the background, flashing progress images and VOILA, done..... LOL
  • I agree... My biggest challenge was studying portion sizes. Your intuition might tell you that 2 cups of cereal is great for breakfast, when realistically, it is not.
  • Tried and failed horribly. I did this... Ate below nett goal during the week and did not count over weekends. The end result was me losing nicely from Monday to Thursday, then Saturday and Sunday I would not weigh. Monday would come and I would be back where I started the previous Monday and again lose until Thursday and…
  • Here I am... The OP. Took me a while to read all the comments. This is what I have learned... Fat people ambassador - bad career move as there are few people around that actually need my services. (Really, I am the only one that needs my services). First of all, thank you for all the comments - harsh, supportive, on the…
  • You look great. LOL on the squashing.... My 4 year old told me last night that I can't bathe with him anymore, because I was squashing him in the bath... Nice one!
  • I'm here. You are not alone!:smokin:
  • Feeling better? conspiracy /kənˈspɪrəsi/ noun noun: conspiracy; plural noun: conspiracies a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. "a conspiracy to destroy the government" synonyms: plot, scheme, stratagem, plan, machination, cabal; More deception, ploy, trick, ruse, dodge, subterfuge, sharp practice;…
  • Hahaha. I will never look at an elephant the same way again! Awesome!
  • You mean to say my hysteria is unnecessary? Thank you so much. I have been working really hard to lose weight and 1lb freaks me out! LOL
  • I was just thinking the exact same thing... I have lost 36.7 Lbs so far and I have been living on coffee - at least 5 cups a day. I don't think it has been influencing my loss at all. Good luck, though.
  • My doctor discovered I had PCOS right AFTER I fell pregnant with my first child - which I unfortunately lost early into the pregnancy. I never had any of the symptoms like bad periods etc. Only side effect of PCOS I did get was the insulin resistance. I felt like I had a massive hangover EVERY morning plus I could not see…
  • Thanks guys. I wasn't sure if it would be a problem or not... I have insulin resistance and my sugar levels sometimes flies all over the place! When it drops suddenly during the day, I have to get something sweet into my body, so I try to eat fruit in stead of drinking a coke. I've been losing weight quite fast this week,…
  • Wow Wow Wow!!!! Congrats!
  • HI there. I also have a goal of losing 100++++++ this year we call 2014. I am 5'11 and 33 years old. I want to run a SHORT marathon in September! I would love support and I will share any and all tips I can find. Good luck to all of you!:flowerforyou: