PCOS and weight loss

Anyone else out there have PCOS and battling to loose weight?!


  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    I have PCOS and I'm finding it easy to loose weight ... I either go for a 1 1/2 hour walk or play on my cross trainer for an hour a day and eat at a calorie defect. With PCOS you have to move, defect alone is not enough.
  • The_Morrighan
    The_Morrighan Posts: 16 Member
    I have pcos and weightloss for me is a constant struggle, it's so easy to gain and so hard to lose, reducing processed foods and excersice helps slot, feel free to add me
  • tryanother
    tryanother Posts: 36 Member
    I have lost almost 73 lbs since the beginning of 2014 WITH PCOS. It can be done! Good luck! Be consistent.
  • I'm diagnosed with PCOS and need to lose at least 95 lbs. the main reason I'm struggling with is rejecting in caffeine, high carb, major amount of sugar and starch. I need to break the "old" habits. Lately, my husband want kids any time soon. Ahh! I need help!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Do you have a medical need to get rid of caffeine? Or are you just trying to limit it?

    I have PCOS. I've lost 54 pounds since January 2014. I limit my carbs somewhat but I don't keep them super low. I exercise quite a bit though--strength training 4x/wk and cardio 4x/wk. You all can do it :)
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    PCOS sister here. I too have a question as to why you're getting rid of caffeine, @HoneyDoe22.

    I work out about 4-5 times a week (mostly weight lifting with cardio mixed in), limit my carbs but don't get nutter butter about it. I focus mostly on eating protein-rich foods, veggies, fruits (usually in the morning), and foods high in fiber. While my scale isn't always showing me what I want to see, I have noticed a HUGE difference in the way my clothes fit.

    I've found that with PCOS, while it can be tricky to see weight sliding off, it's totally doa-able and is all about slow-and-steady.

    If anyone wants another buddy, I love having more friends on here. No need to write me a long drawn-out message, either. Just feel free to add me :)
  • jlwoodmass
    jlwoodmass Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Hannah. I was diagnosed with PCOS in December and it is definitely a lifestyle change to lose the weight. Since about mid January I've lost 4lbs. :) For me I need to do it in small steps to keep with it.

    In January I decided to stop drinking pop and only eat whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and non white bread. I also started baking with Truvia Blend instead of sugar. I don't bake often, but it at least cuts out the sugars in the muffins I love!

    Those were the only changes I made in January, and now in February I'm trying to do Yoga every Weekday except Wednesdays (need to have a rest day when you're not used to the movements).

    Just need to find what works best for you and make a little bit of change at a time. :) Good luck!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    HoneyDoe22 wrote: »
    I'm diagnosed with PCOS and need to lose at least 95 lbs. the main reason I'm struggling with is rejecting in caffeine, high carb, major amount of sugar and starch. I need to break the "old" habits. Lately, my husband want kids any time soon. Ahh! I need help!

    There is no reason why you need to curtail caffeine intake with PCOS.

    I've lost 90-ish pounds. For me, the keys are eating a moderate carb diet with minimal grains and MOVING, a lot. I exercise for more than an hour just about every day--closer to 2 hours is more typical for me.
  • Kazzsjourney2
    Kazzsjourney2 Posts: 22 Member
    I have PCOS....i previous lost 94 kilos/200 pounds but have gained back 40 kilos/90 pounds and just back into things now. I didnt really need to do much different. I eat from all food groups (including carbs) but most evenings i restrict my grains (but i eat grains with both breakfast and lunch). As someone else mentioned for me limiting processed foods is really helpful. For me exercise is imperative and for me i find i need both cardio and resistance training (i do most of my workouts in the form of les mills classes or walking/running) and also getting enough sleep.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I have PCOS, diagnosed more than 20 years ago. I have noticed symptoms get worse when I put on even a bit of weight, even if I am still within normal weight range, and also when I stop exercising. I have not struggled with my weight much ever, nor have been overweight ever after my diagnosis, so I do not think it really affects my weight. Never had the need for food restrictions either, my dr supports a balanced diet, without carb or any other food group restriction . The usual struggle for me is to keep my weight slightly below "ideal", on the lower side of normal, to stay symptom free.