Sihaya8 Member


  • Hey guys just got the test results. Thyroid is fine apparently but there are some other off readings they want to check. I have an ultrasound booked to look at my liver and I'm going in for a cortisol test today. Hopefully they will find something! I've also upped my calorie intake to 1200-1500 a day for now as I was…
  • That seems to be where they are heading with this. I'm sorry it was 2 years before you found out, luckily this doc seems to be reasonable. If i'm honest i'm almost wishing for something to be wrong, it would be really upsetting I think if they couldn't work out what was wrong and i continued to gain weight even if im…
  • As far as fat i'm eating oily fish etc and occasionally low fat butter, could you explain this a bit more? Sorry to be dense but I didn't know this :)
  • I have struggled to lose weight with it but it hasn't made me gain weight like some others. Those people who claim it doesn't affect weight haven't read the basic doctors handbook as it states it may 'cause changes in weight'. I know this as I asked them to look it up. Depression can make people comfort eat or it can…
  • It's funny how it affects people differently and while venlafaxine has been fab for my depression the doc said it maybe why I can't lose weight. I gained a stone straight away on quetiapine (or seroquel as I had it) and it made me feel awful. Mirtazapine turned me into a zombie and citalopram was the same. Weight gain and…
  • I wish I was your dog today lol 4000 calories would be very welcome!
  • I always marinate the fish for approx 5 minutes. I like it raw! My recipe is; Salmon Cod Prawns (small quantities of seafood) Red / yellow peppers Half an onion Lime Fresh coriander Salt Cracked black pepper Fresh chopped chilli and here's the perfect ending but this is only for special occasions... Coconut cream! only a…
  • That is definitely the tastiest way of having it! I've been having it with rocket or lettuce but it doesn't have the same scoop factor! I was scared of raw fish until I got into sushi and since then I don't feel as nervous. I'm considering trying a half raw diet but i'm not sure how to go about it...
  • This is what I was so worried about, people do assume you are either lying or have no concept of calories. I am looking forward to hopefully resolving this, it is disheartening to try so hard and not get anywhere. Thanks for all the tips guys, it helps so much to know who I should be asking to see as I don't think an 800…
  • Just my GP. If the tests come back negative they will put me in touch with someone else but they want the blood test results first :)
  • Get out and exercise in the evenings! It's sometimes the only thing that stops me driving to sainsburys to buy Pringles!! But it will make you feel so good about yourself, just a 30 minute walk and maybe build up to an hour. I drag my husband out for 2 hour walks if I feel my resolve is slipping and it works so well even…
  • Nobody has to eat the food if it 'offends' them lol. It all sounds really tasty and even if you are on a very strict diet a treat as an exception isn't going to ruin everything. I would never impose my dieting on anyone else, it's not their problem i'm sticking to a certain number of calories a day! They sound lucky, there…
  • I know and like I said I didn't want to go that low, but feeling desperate, don't want to put into the morbidly obese category!!!! She told me to stay on it for a little while longer while we are waiting for the blood results and we can go from there. I will do as she said as I weighed myself again today and STILL NO…
  • It sounds like you are off to a really good start! :) Fish is good as well if raw or boiled and the only thing I can think is just try and walk as much as you can, to the shops, stairs, as much as you can. All the best!!!