

  • Look up casein protein before bed. I think it would be great for you
  • Whey protein will help your immediate recovery, after practice. Casein protein releases over time, so in your case while you sleep. You can buy both of them separate or find a recovery drink that has both. I personally use the Herbalife24 Rebuild Strength, it has both proteins.…
  • I was on food stamps for a year and was only given a little over $100 a month. I strictly bought healthy foods like fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats, etc. NO JUNK! I ate my healthiest when I was on food stamps. There are definitely people who abuse it though and buy chips, desserts, soda. It's disgusting!
  • I like that idea of using 1/3 of carbs for my target. That would put me at 71g of sugar a day and that sounds way more reasonable than 31! Before MFP I never took sugar into consideration, obviously it should be controlled but maybe not necessarily counted. For my clients I focus on calories and protein. Im new to MFP so I…
  • Pooping 2-3 times a day IS normal. I would rather take many easy quick poops, than a painful *kitten* hour long dump.....Try Aloe Vera (internal).
  • My post was about the man with the hands on his hips lol oops
  • Gatorade has nothing to do with your muscle growth. All it does is "put electrolytes back in you" or re hydrates you after sweating it all out. It is also very high in sugar. It isn't that bad I guess, but only athletes should be drinking it. Obviously you work out, but some one who does not work out would only get fat off…
  • I will be her friend! When I was 16 years old I had a jaw surgery that left my jaws wired shut for 2 months. I was forced on a liquid diet but we didn't know how to manage at first. One week after my surgery I had already lost 14 pounds! I felt horrible! I actually felt fatter too, before I was toned and muscular but after…
  • As a health coach I would NEVER tell my husband to exercise or lose/gain weight. He needs to want it on his own and whatever he decides, you should accept it AND encourage it. That is what a partner does! You cannot change who he is to satisfy your fantasy of a perfect man. Don't push it and don't get angry about it. Don't…
  • Also, a big congratulations on deciding a new you for yourself. Time to take charge! :D
  • What different methods have you used to lose weight? After losing weight you have to continue working to maintain it. You will gain the weight right back if you go back to your previous lifestyle (that caused you to gain the weight in the first place). The thing is ALL "diets" or nutrition/exercise plans work, you just…
  • I am 5'2" Current weight 118 lbs, I have a 5 month old baby and have lost over 25 lbs since she was born. My key was to stay as healthy as possible during pregnancy to avoid unnecessary weight gain and take in the best possible nutrition for my healthy growing baby. Exercise-wise all I could do was walk...Now that I am…