Girls 5'0 or around there



  • I'm 5ft -- Age 39
    Starting weight was 146
    Current Weight is 142.2
    Goal Weight is between 120-124 lbs

    Currently I'm eating between 1400 - 1600 Daily
  • emmawoolf84
    emmawoolf84 Posts: 243 Member
    5'0 - 28 years old
    HW: 190
    CW: 125
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member

    SW in August 169.8
    CW: 155.6
    GW: 120

    I may try to lose more depending how I feel at 120. My ideal weight is supposed to be 98-132 according to WebMD.

    I am doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution right now. I just finished week 9 today. I track all my food and make sure I drink plenty of water. I do try to save some calories during the week so I can go over my allotment, which is 1200 plus exercise calories.
  • I am 5'2" Current weight 118 lbs, I have a 5 month old baby and have lost over 25 lbs since she was born. My key was to stay as healthy as possible during pregnancy to avoid unnecessary weight gain and take in the best possible nutrition for my healthy growing baby. Exercise-wise all I could do was walk...Now that I am able to workout again I have joined a gym and have continued on my nutrition plan with Herbalife. I co-own a nutrition club and am a health coach.
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    I'm 5', starting weight 146.7 and goal weight of 115lbs. I'm just watching what I eat really and doing some cardio in the gym or taking my dog on 3 mile walks (he won't go out in the wet so I do whichever the weather dictates lol)
  • 5 foot 1
    goal is 147 (prepregnancy weight) then 126
    im breastfeeding walking for 30 min to an hour everyday and im on a 1600 cal diet . iv dropped 3lbs in 2 weeks so far
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member

    SW: 117 lbs
    CW: 95 lbs
    GW: 95 lbs

    I counted calories and cut down on refined sugar/carbs.
  • prkjimin
    prkjimin Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 118 pounds, but I have next to no muscle, so I look like I'm 130 or something ;;
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    How much do you weigh? Ashamed to say at the moment, as I do not recognize this... Person.
    What is your goal weight? 110 lbs, according to my "healthy BMI scale"
    And what are you doing to get there? Diet and exercise. HEAVY WEIGHTS!!! <3.
    I'm 5'0 and weigh 140 :/ and need to lose 35 pounds! Any tips are welcome :)Sorry that I don't have any at the moment, perhaps if I have progress and results soon, I'll edit this post :)
  • rwhite610
    rwhite610 Posts: 29 Member
    5 foot 1 here! Current weight is 135 goal weight 110-115. Basing mine off after having my daughter in high school. Maintained that until I got married 5 years later. I haven't had much success with losing since having the Mirena put in last year and wondering if that's hindering me :/
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    4 ft 10 here! Starting weight 227.5 (yikes), Current weight 192, Goal weight 160 and UGW 150. Stuck trying to decide if I shld be eating MORE or LESS right about now. My tdee-20% is like 1700 but to me for the amount of weight I need to lose and being 4ft 10, that is ALOT of food! Sooo, I am stuck right now.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    5'2" here, 28yrs.

    SW - somewhere above 156lbs, not certain as I was 2 weeks in to my 'diet' before I got up the nerve to actually weigh in.
    CW - 145lbs
    GW - 120-125lbs depending on how I look.

    I exercise 6 days a week - 3days heavy lifting, 3 days Cardio. This is the easy bit - I really enjoy exercising.

    Its not having pizza every night that I seem to be struggling with!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    How much do you weigh?
    What is your goal weight?
    And what are you doing to get there?
    I'm 5'0 and weigh 140 :/ and need to lose 35 pounds! Any tips are welcome :)

    I'm 5' my starting weight was ~163#, my current weight is 125# and my goal weigh is somewhere in the neighborhood of 110# give or take 2 or 3.

    I'm eating at a deficit, low carb to keep my blood sugars in check (T2D) and weight training using compound movements & heavy weights (for me).
  • Height 5"1

    SW: 134lbs
    CW: 132lbs
    GW: 113-110lbs

    So I have around a stone and a half to lose, only joined MFP last week and lost 2lbs without using in the two weeks prior, it so hopefully the weight will come off quickly and continuously by using MFP :)

    Looking for friends!
  • invisiblelo
    invisiblelo Posts: 98 Member
    How much do you weigh?
    What is your goal weight?
    And what are you doing to get there?
    I'm 5'0 and weigh 140 :/ and need to lose 35 pounds! Any tips are welcome :)

    I'm 5ft 1inch and my starting weight was 192, I am currently 167 and my goal weight is 120 - 130. I have been sticking to a calorie limit of 1320. Some days I go over, some days I go under but in general it is around there. When I am in work I walk 10,000 steps a day and only eat back a small amount of my exercise calories back. Seems to be working so far!