

  • I do not eat the exercise calories back in...makes no sense to burn them then eat them back in my mind. I am sticking to between 900 and 1000 calories a day and I am losing the weight. I am not hungry, so why would I eat more? That is what got me where I am now!
  • I have tried every fad diet out there. I have been using this app for about 40 days. It is easy to keep track of all of your calories and exercise and calculates for you. I am about 1/2 way to my first goal and loving the way my clothing is fitting. Stick to this and you can do it! If you need friends, you may add me.
    in hi Comment by beckiewho2 April 2011
  • You all can add me, too. The more the merrier!!! Let's get healthy together!
  • You are gonna love this!! Fun and easy to track...weight loss is not easy, but the support with this app is making it better.
    in hello Comment by beckiewho2 March 2011
  • Enjoy the ride! I am so excited about my weight that I weigh every other day...and see progress!! Stick to it, you can meet your goal!!
  • And how do you get the counter thing on your posts?:happy:
  • Thanks for the suggestions! I did look at some of the wii Just Dance games. Maybe that is on my errand list for today!
  • I eat several small meals a day to keep the hungries away. My big meal is breakfast, then workout time, then a snack (usually light yougurt) a sensible lunch, a snack (need vitamin C so normally fruit) a family dinner, then a snack of raw veggies before bed. I am losing about 6 ounces a day with this routine. Healthy…
  • I am in my 4th week. I have lost 9 pounds so far. I have tried every fad diet out there and gave up quickly. With MFP it is easy to keep track of my food intake and be accountable to my exercise program. My niece is 1500 miles away, but using MFP with me. It is nice to have encouragement from her and be able to offer…