I'm ready!!!

Just wanted to say to everyone out there using MFP!!! I think it's great looking forward to taking and keeping the weight off this time! Good luck to everyone out there and lets all be a team with the same goal in mind! Just wanted to say HI and I'm excited for a new healthier me!!!! :happy:


  • bouldert
    bouldert Posts: 225 Member
    hi and good luck on your journey of weight loss
  • e3slisa
    e3slisa Posts: 65
    :smile: Hi there and welcome, feel free to freind me if you would like any extra support or motivation I could offer on your journey :wink:
  • beckiewho2
    I am in my 4th week. I have lost 9 pounds so far. I have tried every fad diet out there and gave up quickly. With MFP it is easy to keep track of my food intake and be accountable to my exercise program. My niece is 1500 miles away, but using MFP with me. It is nice to have encouragement from her and be able to offer support at the same time. I am excited to see her in August and see how far each of us have come in our journey. Good eating and God bless each of you on your own personal journey!!!