This was noted by my doctor as okay to eat this many calories a day. He said as long as I'm eating a little throughout the day and getting my protein and vitamins then I'm okay. I also take vitamins to help with this. I didn't think my calorie intake was going to become a huge issue. I havent ignored anyone's post Ive said…
This was noted by my doctor as okay to eat this many calories a day. He said as long as I'm eating a little throughout the day and getting my protein and vitamins then I'm okay. I also take vitamins to help with this. I didn't think my calorie intake was going to become a huge issue. I havent ignored anyone's post Ive said…
This was noted by my doctor as okay to eat this many calories a day. He said as long as I'm eating a little throughout the day and getting my protein and vitamins then I'm okay. I also take vitamins to help with this. I didn't think my calorie intake was going to become a huge issue. I havent ignored anyone's post Ive said…
Thank you. I hope its soon. Its already changing but I just gotta keep working at it.
Oh lol thanks I'm not worried about that right now Just trying to adjust.
Thank you. You're the only one that isn't killing me for only eating veggies and fruit the whole week and being 1,000 a day. I do what feels right for me. So thank you
Yeah I suppose that's true but millions of people do it this way.
What exactly are macros? Daily vitamins?
It doesn't bother me. Hahah I hardly notice it until someone points it out. No I'm gonna eat it for the rest of my life. Before I never ate veggies or anything It was always McDonalds or subway or stuff like that never sat down and had a salad or a sliced up cucumbers.
I understand this. I'll just eat a tablespoon of peanut butter or something at the end of the day, But thanks for under standing about the whole can't just eat one chip or two scoops of ice cream. I have to eat veggies and fruits and I enjoy it. But I like other food, too once in awhile.
Ahh I like that but I rarely let myself go out anymore unless I'm shoved into it then I get a salad lol but I like your idea.
Excuse me. I log 7 days a week a cheat day for me is having one day to taste something I love. Like pizza or a McDonalds burger not binging endlessly. I don't starve myself all week I just make sure I only eat when my stomach growls. I feel deprived, yes but for instance I know that I can't just stop at a handful of chips…
Nah 100 calories is good just to stop the growling. Thanks for the idea but I hate grapefruit. I may do the toast thingy but yes definitely trying the fiber ones tomorrow!!
I don't like wasting calories in the morning hahah
Okay I won't call it a cheat day anymore and I agree that it can turn into cheat days, very quickly and easily. However I eat mainly veggies and protein during the week I don't let myself have stuff that I love to eat. I'm okay with the calorie intake I have I usually only eat once a day or when my tummy growls because I…
Ahh yes Aldi. Forgot about that store. Awesomesauce. You rock.
I'll get some of them too. I can mix and match! :D
I have a bowl of peanuts and almonds and cashews with me now, hah I work in a factory and we're not suppose to eat during production hours but I still do
Let me clarify hahah I'm not hungry at 4:30 am I have two cups of coffee. However come 8,9,10am I start to get hungry and I'm already at work so I can't run to the store or make something at home so I have to find something to eat. I think I will try the Fiber One bars. Seems plausable.
I am okay with only a 100 calories I just need it to stop the hunger pains. The thin is in all honesty I'm out the door without my shoes on half the time. I don't have time to slather toppings on a rice cake. Nice weekend breakfast maybe?
And you eat one for breakfast? Everyday? That actually sounds yummy.
That's true!!
Don't those get awfully expensive? I'll try it though. thanks
Hahah not when I first get up but around 8-9am the hunger rolls in
This is awesome. People tell me not to do it but I never get hungry until like 9:00 am and I'm up at 4:30 am I've been doing this for two weeks and my body still hasn't gotten use to it though. But I don't eat after 6:00pm the night before. Does this matter?
Hahah thanks. I know just gotta keep thinking that.
Black coffe is out for me. Its too bitter. I'd rather not drink it then
Haha, I know my life doesn't depend on coffee; I just love it. I guess I'll work ion either weening myself of or putting less sugar and more milk in it. Thanks. :)
LGreenmonster, I've been dieting for. 9 days now. ( What I mean is I'm hoping to loose 5 pounds, but, I'll be happy i lost a pound)
Eminem...always been fond of him. Seems his song 'Beautiful' is like my life story. ♡