

  • You have to be careful with the flavored waters, because if you look at the packaging. They may have zero calories, but they have sodium, sugars, and sometimes carbs. I drink them once and awhile if I have taste for a juice since I do not drink sodas. But just stick to plain water.
  • I have cheat days, but once a week like on a Saturday or Sunday. You can still lose weight because it happened to me. Just keep track of the meal to make sure everything is still not too bad for you and your not overeating (so plan ahead if you can). Because I was scared that I eat too much and want to keep going. But if…
  • Dont worry--you are going to hit a plateau or you going to gain because it is fat turning into muscles. So when you see a gain, dont worry about the scale--just look at the way your clothes fit. I did this for a week and I am starting over to help a buddy lose weight as well. When I started I lost 7 pounds in one week but…
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