cheat meals...

Anyone else have cheat meals, days, whatever? I like to enjoy myself w/ my fiance' about once a week. Now I try to always stay within portion sizes but I will allow myself to have whatever I've been craving. He's a cook and works nights, so when I do cheat it's usually on our once a week dinner out. My biggest pet peeve though....when you've had a knack for fresh cut fries forever, dying to eat them, and they are cold and not fully cooked. Happened last night...I was so sad! :sad: Really, that sucks! haha, just wondered if anyone else has had this happen?


  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I use at least one day a week for a cheet also. It is so much easier for me to stay on track when I am at work or school all day long. On weekends I am at home and food is always available for me there. So I try to be good but I don't freak out if i am not, since it is just once a week.
  • Queenprell03
    I have cheat days, but once a week like on a Saturday or Sunday. You can still lose weight because it happened to me. Just keep track of the meal to make sure everything is still not too bad for you and your not overeating (so plan ahead if you can). Because I was scared that I eat too much and want to keep going. But if you get body use to eating a certain amount during the week and when you have the cheat day-- you will not over-eat. Like last saturday- Fruit for breakfast, I had a crab cake, steamed broccoli, and grill string beans for lunch, and cottage cheese and strawberries for a late dinner. The week before I had a slice pizza and wings, but just do not over do it. I felt guilty, but I do not want to over eat when I come off the diet by wanting everything. I learned that in a detox and gain everything back. So treat yourself for the hard work but do not over treat.
  • WoolieNC
    WoolieNC Posts: 6 Member
    I will have a cheat meal once in a while, but when I "cheat" I never exceed my calories by more then a few hundred. If you go way off you will spend the other 6 days just trying to catch up.