Abliture Member


  • Anyone can add me. You can do this!
  • Eat high fiber foods.
  • Exercise helps you stay tight & keep lean muscle, cardiovascular health, etc.. Its necessary for long term weight loss sustainability. Simple & fast 2 sets of 100 body weight squats Whenever you make the time, just start droppin them & go. Boom, done. You could even do it holding one of your babies.
  • You could try working out when they are awake. Less done sustainably is better than more done unsustainably. Move the body. Anything you can do. Dvd workout. Push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks -- 90sec break to take care of the kids-- back to it for a short set, etc.. You can do this.
  • How long has it been since you have lost weight? Do you weigh yourself the same time & similar circumstance every week? (Same clothes, same fluid levels, etc) Are you weighing &/or measuring everything you put in your mouth & logging it?
  • This does not have to be a set back. You have to adapt. Strength training was your go to pre implants. Cardio will have to become your go to for the meantime. Spin bike, incline walk, elliptical, stair master, etc.. Close your eyes & remember what it was like at your heaviest weight, you could be there in 4 months time.…
  • I totally understand. Break ups can send us over the edge sometimes. You may have gained muscle while working with that trainer. Which is a good thing & doesn't always reflect your hard work on the scale, but it does in the mirror & the way your close fit. Since you said you don't know where to start, I'm gonna help make…
  • russ, This is very normal and nothing that should be "worried" about. If you want to lose weight slower, take in a few more calories than you are now, i.e. 100-200 a day. In my experience and many others, the faster you lose weight the faster it comes back on. 2 lbs is great though and if your hitting 3 lbs here and there…
  • 1. The first place to start is with calories in calories out. It can be difficult to tract every calorie you eat, especially if you're new to doing it. Have you eaten any fast food in the last month? All fast food is different and oft times is not the amount of calories it says that it is. Ex. Burger boy glops more sauce…