Losing Weight too quickly

So, I've been counting calories for about 14 Days now at a goal of 2lb loss per week. I started at 220, and I'm already at 214. I do moderate exercise 3-5 times per week and I adjust my eating based off projected expenditures. I've even had a few days where I went over my "limit". (I'm not too strict because if I am I'll be less likely to keep at it long term) Is losing this much weight this quick normal?

It's happened before where I've gone from 225 to 209 and then plateaued. (I was using a different website where it didn't recalculate your caloric intake based off how much weight you had lost and the exercise didn't communicate with the food journal) I fell rapidly (About a month, which should have been about 8lbs lost not 16, but then i plateaued for 2 months, which may have been myself not adjusting, before I fell off the diet/exercise regimen and gained all but 5 back over 3 months)

I have a really good feeling about this time and this website/app, but I don't want to fluctuate like before or burn too quickly. I want to know if this is sometimes normal… Losing the first 10 lbs easy and then falling in line with the goal of 2lbs per week or whatever.

Thanks for the advance input.


  • hnoelleb12
    hnoelleb12 Posts: 8 Member
    Definitely normal. The first couple of weeks you're losing a lot of water weight. I had my goal at 2 lbs/week and in the first two weeks lost 7 lbs, I believe. You'll even out soon.
  • Abliture
    Abliture Posts: 9 Member

    This is very normal and nothing that should be "worried" about. If you want to lose weight slower, take in a few more calories than you are now, i.e. 100-200 a day. In my experience and many others, the faster you lose weight the faster it comes back on. 2 lbs is great though and if your hitting 3 lbs here and there in the beginning then don't sweat it.