I give up on exercise temporarily

please tell me it's possible to lose without it? I only have 10 lbs to go but with twin newborns and a full time job, no time at ALL and I'm quite down about it.
Give me encouragement!


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    It is definitely possible to lose weight without exercise. MFP gives you a calorie goal before exercise because not everyone can/will workout.

    Exercise is great for fitness, but it (often) burns fewer calories than you might think.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Absolutely, you can lose without working out.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :) You will burn a lot of calories caring for your babies. Look for opportunities to be active and don't worry about doing formal exercise.....also be mindful of your eating and look for ways to eliminate empty calories and fill your plate with nutrition. Enjoy this special time in your life. :)
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    My weight loss was done without exercise. When you boil it all down, weight loss is about burning more calories than you consume. That can be done by lowering your calories in, raising your calories out, or a combination of the two. Exercise is good for a lot of things, but isn't a requirement for losing weight. I've added walking to try and get my asthma under control, but I don't use it as a tool for weight loss.
  • amber_beaney
    amber_beaney Posts: 54 Member
    I am in the same boat as you (minus the new babies) we are moving house in the next few weeks and that coupled with my toddler and full time job is really depleting my energy resources for exercise. This is making me feel really down too as I worry that I won't lose without exercise. It is reassuring to hear that people have lost weight without exercise. I think it must be a possibility anyway as I only exercised once last week and still lost 3lbs, so it must be possible!
  • ydyms
    ydyms Posts: 266 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement!
  • MrsCaitlinBeltran
    MrsCaitlinBeltran Posts: 241 Member
    I have an almost 2 year old who is super active, so running around after him is basically my exercise, lol. Besides that, I haven't really done any major exercising and have lost 40 pounds anyway. :)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    all that is required is a calorie deficit. it can be with food or with exercise or both
  • ydyms
    ydyms Posts: 266 Member
    What about looking good? Will I look flabby without exercising?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ydyms wrote: »
    What about looking good? Will I look flabby without exercising?

    Possibly. A lot depends on your age, how much you lose, how quickly you lose, how active you are outside of "exercise". If you lose slowly and are stay active, even if not exercising for the sake of exercise, you won't necessarily be flabby.
  • amber_beaney
    amber_beaney Posts: 54 Member
    Even if you do get a little flabby, once you're at your weight goal then you could do some simple toning exercises maybe to try and firm everything up. Losing slowly is definitely best to help your body naturally reshape. :)
  • Abliture
    Abliture Posts: 9 Member
    Exercise helps you stay tight & keep lean muscle, cardiovascular health, etc.. Its necessary for long term weight loss sustainability.

    Simple & fast

    2 sets of 100 body weight squats

    Whenever you make the time, just start droppin them & go. Boom, done. You could even do it holding one of your babies.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    100 squats? At once?