emr0004 Member


  • I'm in! New to challenges like this and tend to just quit, but I think having an accountability group will help tremendously! Goal is to run a half marathon by the end of the year, but I get intense shin splints (any good suggestions? I've tried lots of different things...)...but I will make my August goal 50 miles to…
  • My boyfriend and brother bought in, so I've been trying the products. I can honestly say that I do not eat as much when I use it (especially the XM-AM pill and SmartMix) and my brother has lost ab 8lbs using it. He has never been big, just wanted to shed some college weight, and he's been working out. I love that it helps…
  • For those of you who are against it, WHY are you against it? Is it because you think it's unfair that you had to pay yours off? Student loan debt has gone up 511% since 1999...why should WE (and I say "we" meaning those who have graduated in recent years, say the last 5) have to pay 511% more for the SAME degrees the…
  • I think it'd be fun! I need some motivation! :) I'm Erica and I'm from Alabama...I can't wait to get started!
  • I am getting my masters degree and didn't gain my "freshman 15" until just this past year. I got on the scales today and weighed the most I've EVER weighed, and it's depressing. I'm back at it again tomorrow, after losing and gaining 5 lbs since new years...it's time to get on track (and this time for good!)