Nadoriel Member


  • I agree that for a diet to be worth while it has to be tasty 🤷🏻‍♀️ I personally enjoy both the protein powder and cracked wheat (if it is what I think it is) ahah. I make mean ice creams and milk shakes out of those protein powders and it’s good for baking too 🤤 that said I probably agree that you might need to up…
  • I wish I could be more helpful but I’m not entirely sure. So if you’ve given 3 weeks eating close to tdee and you seem to be gaining weight consistently, then you must actually be surpassing your tdee. Do you can try and eat 10 or 15% less of what you are eating now and see if you lose weight??? Give it again the same 3…
  • There’s a group called eat more weight less on MFP and I really identify with it. I turned 30 this year but really, I’ve never been skinny in my life ahahaha and I’ve been yo yo dieting forever. I recently did Noom which helped me lose the bulk of what I had gained last year and finally fit on my clothes again, and now I’m…
  • Hey I live in Preston which is fairly close 🙂
  • Thank you again @PAV8888 ! Yeah, I definitely did lose my apetite for some reason and obviously when I got it back it was trying to compensate. And I was trying to reign it which only made it worse, specially mentally if nothing else. I already lost some weight already on Noom. It made me realise I really need to write…
  • @PAV8888 thank you so much! Yes those have been the numbers more or less. I’ve been doing close to 20k or even more recently since the weather is nice which puts me around 2600-2700 cals. But on less moving days it was around 2400. If that’s normal then ok. I can do this. I’d rather lose weight eating more than what…
  • Yes!! Me too! I’m a returned costumer 🤣🤣 I left mfp when I plateaued for months a little bit lower than what I am now, then lost my apetite for a couple of months, got anxious about being at the lowest weight I’d ever been and since then I’ve been gaining again steadily 😂 so I’m back again!! Mfp advises a weight around…
  • In retrospect I guess you’re right 🤷🏻‍♀️ not knowing was the reason I asked in the first place. And the reason I get almost ocd with this is because it never really seems to work with me long term so I start doubting everything I do. Last time I tried calorie counting I pretty much stagnated just a tiny bit below my weight…
  • Heybales!! Lovely to see you are still here!! Thank you! Yeah I ended up changing from android to Apple and then Apple Watch so I was confused 😅 also lost a lot of weight, got anxious about it and then gained it almost all back! Ahah so here I am again 😊 thanks!! And thank you cmriverside!! Sorry for the delay but MFP is…
  • Uhh I’m playing some PS4 games with friends, specially For the king, overcooked and moving out. But I’m interested in the new assassins creed 😇
  • Hey! Thanks! I understand I'm not gonna get stronger in a cut. I'd be happy with at least maintaining my muscle mass though. Now the thing is... I have food issues. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have them. And atm I'm kind of at peace with my diet. This is rare okay? But I'm eating what I want when I'm hungry/want. I do…
  • A workoutroutine!! Never knew that before! Wish I knew about it before SS. It actually looks pretty cool ^^ But apparently, they also recommend the texas method for intermediate. Their version of intermediate seems interesting and I'll see what actually fits best into my schedule. Other than that.. I mean yeah. I don't…
  • Hey!!! Thanks for your input!! I feel more relieved now. I mean, I do believe I can't get anything else from SS. Even on stronglifts and with a higher weight a few years ago, I wasn't lifting a lot more. Or rather, my form was terrible, so I could afford to lift more (as in, half squats and back and arms deadlifts). So the…
  • Hi Amanuebel. I know this might sound weird on this forum. I used to count calories not that long ago. It did give me results first until it stopped and it plateaued, and then I gained it back. While literally measuring every food even at restaurants (with a scale). I'd embarrass friends and family. I was bloody accurate.…
    in So hungry! Comment by Nadoriel May 2016
  • You've got beautiful badass bodyweight workouts :) fun and simple, specially the get strong one. 20min a day, that's all!
  • Heya Julia, just to wish you good luck with your journey :) I wonder, have you been measuring yourself? I say this because with all my weight losses and gains, atm I weight 2kg more than 3 months ago, but my measurements are the same. The scale can be really deceitful. Also, we're kinda neighbours eheheh I'm from Portugal…
  • Ahahah thanks heybales :) exactly the explanation I was looking for!! It does make sense, I was just doing this storm on a glass of water, uff ^^
  • Sadly as it is I think I can't find anyone with just the nickname.. O.o it only offers options for facebook and e-mail. so my page is this one: Please add me if you want XD I do kinda 15k steps a day, and my 3x strenght workouts and that's it. Nothing too fancy. Heybales, actually I have…
  • I'm also on levothyroxin 50mcg and currently well.. I already lost pretty much what I wanted, now it's just fat loss and hopefully some serious strenght gains. Truth be told I tried every diet I could get my hands on before I took these tablets and after and nothing worked until I started doing the right thing for me. At…
  • Hey there, SL is really awesome, I used to do New Rules of Lifting and this is just so much easier... not having to carry the book around and check every exercise on the pictures pagess because I'm totally lost. Regarding your question the best way is to keep a low deficit, around TDEE -10% and eat a good amount of protein…
  • Plan for it. I usually have some muffins, chocolate, brownies to eat up at night. Or make up some garlic and cheese bread or a toast with chorizo and cheese. I just eat less during day time, but that's usually easier. Nothing better than getting at night time and look at my full plate of yummi things I still can eat before…
  • Skim milk + choco shells *.* aahhhhhh it's been my breakfast for a while. Nothing better than waking up to chocolate :>
  • I've been a bingeing since I was a kid, but since I started myfitnesspal I got it controled, rather easier than I thought. Since I work in shifts I usually plan my days with some advance, and I've got everything I like on the menu. Yes.. If I were to start eating only healthy I would probably go back to bingeing soon, but…
  • Hey ^^ I lost around 11kg in... 7 months approximately. The first were easy to loose, and the last took a bit longer. I believe I'm probably on my range at the moment, so I'm just concerned in loosing body fat and let my weight flunctuate a bit around these values. Either way, everyone can do it, it depends on diet and…
  • Uhh, you know I had no idea of the progress tab. I've been changing the data usually every time I change something (my weight, measures, exercise). I know I should probably get more accurate with some stuff, specially now that I'm getting closer to TDEE, but one chocolate goes around 36-70 calories only (yeah I do search…
  • Hey fellow nerds :) I'm Marta. I'm at already more or less 66.5kg, which I intend to maintain or even gain a bit by lifting heavy. I lost 11kg total, but my main goal is to loose body fat. I'm already down 2 to 3 sizes. I love eating and cooking good, delicious and definitely not healthy food and that's how I've been able…
  • Well to be honest I have breaks every now and again mainly from logging, when I go back to my old country. It's hard to find the food calories in there anyway. But the most important is finding something you like. I enjoy weight lifting, and even if I don't feel like leaving the house to go to the gym i know I'll have fun,…
  • Nutella filled cookies, carrot protein muffins and beef shephard's pie *.* <3 food
  • As strange as it is I always feel better when exercising. It eases the pain. I still hate cardio, but after the warm up I'm fine. I tend to eat or want to eat a bit more on the week before, but scientifically we do spend more energy as well during that time. As long as it's not over 90-150cals it's fine.