Hypothyroidism is fighting me!!!!

A little back story: I am 32 years old. Was diagnosed with Hypothyroid (Hashimoto's disease) almost exactly 3 years ago. I knew something was wrong and kept going to the doctor since I was gaining weight rapidly (gained 50lb in 3 months!!). Finally was diagnosed, put on Synthroid and lost 10lb immediately only to gain it back in three months again. I finally have the medicine dosage right and am maintaining my weight with no problem at all, now i want to lose and it's been a battle. I have been trying different more clean foods, counting calories, even joined up this website again to try to motivate myself, but the lbs/inches just aren't budging as much as I would like since I have ALOT to go to be as thin as I was when i thought I was fat. I am taking Zinc, Vitamin D (i have a diagnosed difficiency), B complex, and Tyrosine. If anyone knows other supplements or specific foods that assist with this disease, I would appreciate it!!!


  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I have the same thyroid issue, once the meds are right, working out and tracking calories will do it. BUT there are setbacks too, so make sure you get your blood work done again in 3-6 months or if you start losing energy again and gain weight. I have had setbacks but once I do, I know to get my blood checked.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I am still not clear on how low thyroid affects weight loss/gain. I was on Levothyroxin (not sure if that is the same thing as Synthroid), 50 mcg, and it had no effect whatsoever on my weight. But then I wasn't dieting. lol
    Anyway, it did produce some other unpleasant side effects, so I threw away the stuff. Two years later, my blood work shows I am still hypo as ever, But I signed up here on MFP six weeks ago and am losing weight anyway. I guess the condition makes weight loss a challenge for some, but that hasn't been my experience. I hope you find good advice and support here.
  • Nadoriel
    Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
    I'm also on levothyroxin 50mcg and currently well.. I already lost pretty much what I wanted, now it's just fat loss and hopefully some serious strenght gains.

    Truth be told I tried every diet I could get my hands on before I took these tablets and after and nothing worked until I started doing the right thing for me. At the moment that is strenght training 3x a week and walking as much as I can (I have a fitbit) so I can eat around 2200 cals a day and still loose fat/weight. It's working fine, mostly because of the strenght training I guess, that's what changed everything.

    Don't forget that you need to increase every exercise from time to time so your body continues to loose calories from it. Unfortutanely our body does get used fairly easy to exercise so we need to keep cheating it into doing something more vigorous each time, be it cardio or strenght training.

    Also, keep tracking your food thoroughly ^^ low thyroid might affect weight loss a bit, but it's definitely not impossible if you are taking the right meds and doing the right stuff.
  • kamscats
    kamscats Posts: 1 Member
    Hypo-t makes it a challenge. Not impossible once you are regulated but certainly not as easy as someone with a normal metabolism. It took me four years to get regulated and I am on 175 mg Levothyroxine a day. I found exercising 3 times a day made a big difference. Not three intense workouts but 2 mini workouts of 15 mins and a 30 min workout. That combined with healthy eating helped me lose 50lbs in a year. I also got a pedometer to keep track of my daily steps and try to stay moving as much as I can to keep that metabolism going.

    Just remember Hypo-t affects everyone just a little different. I think a lot depends on the cause of your Hypothyroidism and the severity. As noted before, keep up your bloodwork to make sure you stay regulated and don't need a change in your dosage.

    It's not easy but you can do it.
  • meltedkeys
    meltedkeys Posts: 63 Member
    I am still not clear on how low thyroid affects weight loss/gain. I was on Levothyroxin (not sure if that is the same thing as Synthroid), 50 mcg, and it had no effect whatsoever on my weight. But then I wasn't dieting. lol
    Anyway, it did produce some other unpleasant side effects, so I threw away the stuff. Two years later, my blood work shows I am still hypo as ever, But I signed up here on MFP six weeks ago and am losing weight anyway. I guess the condition makes weight loss a challenge for some, but that hasn't been my experience. I hope you find good advice and support here.

    sometimes levo (which is generic for synthroid) doesn't work and you have to use the name brand. there are others as well which i will be looking into since i feel it's not altogether helping alot.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I have hypothyroidism. I'm on Armour, and once my meds were right, I was able to lose weight. I lost very slowly, averaging 20lbs a year to get to where I am now. Tracking calories and exercising have done it. Plus a ton of patience.

    There is discussion that certain vegetables with goitrogens shouldn't be eaten raw in large quantities, due to their effect on thyroids.

    Here's a good article about hypothyroidism: http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/condition/hypothyroidism
  • meltedkeys
    meltedkeys Posts: 63 Member
    I have hypothyroidism. I'm on Armour, and once my meds were right, I was able to lose weight. I lost very slowly, averaging 20lbs a year to get to where I am now. Tracking calories and exercising have done it. Plus a ton of patience.

    There is discussion that certain vegetables with goitrogens shouldn't be eaten raw in large quantities, due to their effect on thyroids.

    Here's a good article about hypothyroidism: http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/condition/hypothyroidism

    that's good to know!! thank you so much!