AuroraCoL Member


  • Female, age 23 Height: 5'4" SW: 130 CW: 123 GW: 115 Fellow ladies looking to lose those last 5-10 lbs, please add me! Could use the support :)
  • I'm pretty sure that's incorrect. If that were true, I'd need 1089 to maintain my weight. My maintenance calories are closer to 1600-1800 depending on how much I exercise.
  • F 23 5'4" SW: 128 lbs CW: 121 lbs GW: 115 lbs Getting married this summer and super excited! Hoping I have a twin out there to help motivate me. My worst vice is drinking- I LOVE DRINKING lol. :)
  • That's what I did my first time and it had a horribly eggy flavour / texture. Any ideas as to what I did wrong? How does yours turn out?
  • Squats are AMAZING! I see you're already doing them though, so... have you tried lunges? You'll definitely feel the burn with those!
  • I was in that relationship for five years. I got out and I'm grateful every day that I did. No matter how hard it is, please just do it. Walk away.
  • I make popcorn on the stove! Really easy, take whatever size pot you like, coat the bottom with oil, and shake some popcorn kernals into the pot until it is about 90% covered by a single layer of kernals. Turn the heat to high and cover with a lid. When they start popping, keep the lid on and shake the pot so that they…
  • I think you should do your best to set realistic goals for yourself. it's absolutely amazing how far you've come, and it's understandable that you feel a bit burned out. How much do you want to lose each week? Half a pound? Are you ready to seriously work on weight maintenance?
  • Har har :P
  • Thanks everyone! Some great suggestions already.. and lots of support! :)
  • There are concerns about the quality of meat that has been exposed to different harmful elements in its production. For example, what was in the feed? Were antibiotics added? Preservatives? Are there side effects from these additives? There are also concerns regarding the sustainability of high volumes of meat production,…
  • You can eat whatever you want so long as you stay within your calorie limits. In terms of losing weight, what you eat doesn't matter. That being said, it's best to include lots of protein and fiber so you feel fuller on your calorie budget. I would stick with what you know works for you - so long as you're counting your…
  • Hi there! My fiance proposed last month, and we're looking forward to our wedding this labour day weekend! I've gained 10 lbs since we first met 5 years ago, so I'm trying to shed it in the next few months before I go shopping for my dress. I'm 5'4" aiming for 117 lbs. It doesn't sound like much but it'll be a real…
  • Hi there! My fiance proposed last month, and we're looking forward to our wedding this labour day weekend! I've gained 10 lbs since we first met 5 years ago, so I'm trying to shed it in the next few months before I go shopping for my dress. I'm 5'4" aiming for 117 lbs. It doesn't sound like much but it'll be a real…