my scale is working fine it measures other weight accurately and I do notice the weight change on my body
my husband also uses the same scale and his weight doesn't shift like mine does
my scale is always on wood floor
my digestion is outrageously slow for my age, but it seems a bit much for just a digestion problem
yeah my scale is digital and it hits zero before I step on and i even checked it next to my wii fit scale and it was similar
the clothes I wear when i weigh myself are usually about a pound
my scale is new and it had a body fat calc. and is in the same spot every time
serious with charm
my doctor put me on it with no dairy because I have digestion problems and I have hashimoto's disease which gave me a hypothyroid. I must say that it has been the easiest most successful diet I have ever been on. Take it one step at a time and don't be so strict all the time with it and it will make you feel good. I think…
It may just be me but I always lose weight better on my period and gain weight and bloating the week before my period. My skin also clears up when my period starts. It is pretty important to make sure your hormones are in balance.
The key is to not think too much on it but to keep going forward learning more about what affects your body.
I am so glad i have found a doctor that knows everything about what is wrong with me and takes a lot of time and effort into treating me. I tell her all of my symptoms and she goes over everything in detail with me and gives me the copies of the tests she takes for me. I am so aggravated that some docs are still not caring…
that's about how much I want to lose! you look great! i'm only a few pounds away from a 33 pound loss as well!
not mine! i think every one is different
i have found that it contains nothing good for you so why drink it? It's more addicting than regular soda and everything in it is fake. Drinking water is much better. In the long run drinking diet soda will not help you lose wieght, it will hinder weight loss according to…
i just realized something! we are not trying to lose are butts and guts for guys at all! we are trying to be smaller for those girls that look at us and think omg she is fat! We want to be accepted by other girls because we want them to envy us instead of judging us! I don't know if this is true for everyone but that seems…
yeah i often have gotten the comment that if I lose my big butt and boobs I wouldn't be as attractive I and supose I will have to believe that as well. Girls for some reason think the harder to get to weight has to be the prettest weight and when we see rail thin girls we get thinking that is what I need to be to be…
i can't believe doing that is postitive for your health and im seriouly concerned that there is more support for this than a three day lemon juice cleanse!
my husband is allergic to wheat and im very sensitive to gluten that's why I like Grokette's food pyramid.
i totally agree woth Grokette! the FDA one totally thinks grains and corn is king. Monsanto is the demon of the food industry to put it harshly.
i remember when i hit that mark! it was amazing! you look great! im looking forward to reaching the next mark of not being overweight! i hope you are with me there!
my profile pic has mine
1. organic whole milk 2. natural whole string cheese 3. free range eggs 4. carrots 5. apples 6. dark greens 7. fish 8. beef 9. coconut oil/ olive oil 10. rice cereal
you always have to put in a little time for yourself everyday not only will it help you it will help your family too for it will be easier to give more if you have more love of yourself! way to go!! i wish you much success!
i want to lose weight because im tired of being jealous of people that have really skinny legs! To have beautiful legs! that's why i want to lose weight!
yeah being judged and sexualized because of my huge boobs is not fun i have always had big boobs and i totally agree with you small boobs rock! but being big also rocks! when you feel good about yourself and your boobs it rocks I just wish people didn't oggle them and say trashy things about them
in hindsight when i donated my hair i probably should have stopped wearing baggy shirts and hoodies cause then people wouldn't freak out when i went into the girls bathroom...or i could have been more girly so that people wouldn't think im gay just because of the really short hair..i donated 13 inch and i hope someone is…
although i used to hate them because going through high school with jerk boys was no fun but then i realized that no one not even jerk face boys who made cow jokes at me should make me not love myself (since the boobs are a part of me)
yeah i agree One of my good friend/ teacher got breast cancer and it makes you think what would i look like without them? like a MAN!! so i love my boobs as well !
wow girl!! kudos to you thats where i want to be! amazing