

  • That is kind of crazy, because I have the opposite effect. I take this boot camp class at 615 in the morning. So I wake up drink water while iM driving there. Then I have to shower and go to work and by the time I get to work the sound of food grosses me out. I usually wait another hour and then eat a scrambled egg with…
  • I was so scared. Even to the point where the morning of my surgery on June 18th, I almost got up and walked out. I kept thinking of my son and all these fears kept running through my head. When they were ready to take me back, I just started crying. they gave me medicine to calm me down and I dont remember anything until I…
  • I am having the same issue. I cant even stand the taste of isopure. i tried all of them. It is getting to the point were I would just gag everytime I took a sip. Now I am making soup and putting in the non-flavored protein to get my protein in. It is hard.
  • My first 3-4 days were like that. I couldn't get anything down, I couldn't even get out of bed. My surgery was last wens. Then Saturday afternoon something clicked and I got out of bed and sat on the couch to try to keep my eyes open. That helped. Then started walking and by Sunday I was able to hold liquids down and felt…
  • Thanks everyone. Considering this is day 4 of it and it hasnt eased up, I am going to go a few more days and if it doesnt, call my doctor. It seems instant. LIke i drink something and within 30 minutes im going to the bathroom.
  • I just had mine on wens and I was miserable the first three days. I couldn't hold anything down and all the gas pains were so uncomfortable. But Saturday things started getting better and I was able to get things down and today much better. The gas pains are still there but less and easy to cope with. Take Chapstick and…
  • I had my sleeve on the 18th. Went home the 19th. The first day I kept vomiting stomach acid and yesterday I couldn't hold anything down. I didn't even get out of bed. Today I am able to get a few ounces of protein down and some water. Is this normal? I'm also miserable with these gas pains.
  • My Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. I cant believe it. I am totally nervous and excited.
  • I'm beginning to get nervous and exited. My surgery is on Wednesday. I started at 243. Today I am 232 from the pr op diet. How was the pain level?
  • How are you doing now?
  • I have my surgery scheduled for 6/18. I'm at 242 now and just started my liquid only diet today. I'm nervous for the after surgery healing! How long did it take to get over pain? How much pain were people in?