jrosedavis Member


  • Welcome, and congratulations on your beautiful daughter! This is a fantastic group of very supportive people who really understand what it is like to live with Hashi's; joining this group is one of the best things I have done for my journey to wellness. I hope that you find as much hope, inspiration and support here as I…
  • -When it is cold, you have to wear gloves all the time…and even then..your hands are never truly warm. [/quote] ^This. My hands are NEVER warm!
  • The skin at my ankles and elbows is usually thick, dry and cracked which I think makes them look dirty. I have tried every solution I could find, but it never goes away. My endo says that thick, dry, discolored and/or itchy skin and scalp are common symptoms of Hashi's. I am hopeful that this will eventually get better.
  • - your husband always as if it's TOM because your mood swings erratically all of the time - you are accused of being lazy when the truth is that you simply do not have the energy to get your chores done - no one seems to understand what you are going through - people try to sell you on a "cure" for Hashi's - someone…
  • I started off with Metabolism Miracle (super low carb) and completed Step 1 and then did Step 2 for about three months. I have since moved to a more calorie-based system and don't worry as much about the carbs (although I still try to limit my carb instake to no more than 30g new carbs/meal).
  • Thank you for this; I read it and cried because so much of this applies to me and explains so much of how I feel. Many people simply do not understand that having Hashi's effects every part of your physical and mental well-being. I was formally diagnosed and started seeing an endocrinologist in February, but I have been on…
  • ^I second this. I would also add that you need to take this one day at a time. There will be days that you overeat. There will be days when you don't want to get up and move. There will be days when you feel overwhelmed. There are days when you will want to quit. But each day is a fresh start, a new beginning to your…
  • This is a great question; I used to wonder this myself. Thank you for the article link uncharted01; it really helps to answer this question well!
  • Thanks, that helps. I've never paid attention to carbs before, so it's definitely a huge adjustment for me; just walking through the aisles of the grocery store yesterday I felt like I was literally surrounded by carbs. For me, today is day 3 of Step 1 and while I'm not as hungry I have been craving sweets more than the…
  • I am on Day 2 of Step 1, and I also have the mild headache. No matter how much of the plan food I eat I am still so hungry. Does anyone have any suggestions for Step 1 foods that are really filling?