

  • I usually prepare my Lunch early in the morning and just heat it up during lunch, plan my lunch a night before. I usually marinade chicken or chop vegetables and just put it in the refrigerator. Logged in my recipes here to make sure I only consume 300 to 400 cal during lunch. Making healthy meal does comsume time, but its…
  • Hello, you can ask your hub for your meal plan, theya can help you whats the best schedule to take your shakes and tablets. I drink mine during breakfast then have a snack by 9 am, have a healthy lunch, snack by 4 pm and the shake in the evening.. Please do ask your hub so that they can budget your total caloric intake…
  • I suggest you look for a weighing scale fat analysis....Try to check your caloric intake again. Try to list all the food you took for that day, you might be eating too much calories than you should. Deduct 400 calories from your required daily caloric intake. Just go with it, you can do it. Ive had frustrations before, but…
  • I really loved toast with honey, but I tried my best to stay away from sweets for a while because of my sugar level. My breakfast ususally includes 1 cob of yellow corn, 1 small size sweet potato (research says sweet potatoes are good for diabetis), and a glass of non fat fresh milk which really helps me feel full…
  • So how much sugar do you really take per day? My sugar was 14 before I started my diet, yesterday I check again and now it has drop to 7.6.. Ive been in this diet for 1 month now, without meds. But my OB told me, I should take 1500 mg of met per day since my aim is not just to control my blood sugar but also to get…
  • I hope she'll do great. But maybe she also eat too much carbs...what does her md says about the cause of her diabetes if she doesnt really eat too much sweet? I admit, I did love eating sweets and eat too much carbs. And im just 30 years old when I was diagnose with diabetes.
  • I agree, I always manage to have 800 cal per day highest is 1200... but i do 30 min tae bo which burn around 300 and drink a lot of water...about 3 to 4 liters a day, though my weight loss is not that fast, but I do get around 1 to 2.5 lbs per week. Just dont want to loss too much so that I will not get tired easily and…
  • I love Banana's and Sweet Potato, it makes you feel full longer than other snacks and its low in calorie as well.
  • You might be eating few calories, gbut have you check the quality of the food you are taking? Quantity and quality of food is important, and do at least 30 min exercise a day. Also try to eat nuts for your protein or chicken, these are low calorie high in protein foods.
  • Glad you like this guys. Last time I checked my blood sugar was 10, that was months ago and have not check again since then because I was too afraid. 3 weeks ago, I enrolled myself into a health club, which I really love because before it was hard for me to do the diet on my own, but with my group, I am more willing to do…
  • My OB said, it will. I am not even allowed to carry heavy weights as it will sink my uterus. (Im not sure if its uterus or ovaries, its one of the two)....I dont know if its true or not, just dont want to gamble on it. :)
  • I'm still 169 and need to loss 35 lbs....
  • Yes Ive heard about that strengthening exercises does burn fats faster, I am just having a second thought about it since my goal really is to get pregnant. And it might have an effect on my ovaries. So for now, not my option yet. Guess I have to stick with Tae bo and Zumba for now. :)
  • nNice but not an option, I'd rather loss it naturally. Thanks for the Link Ian stuart
  • Just thought I needed to do a little bit more than what I am doing now to make my legs and mid calf slimmer. What I do always see with big people becoming slim is that they thighs, legs and mid calfs are still big.
  • I can relate, yesterday I was really craving for KFC. And even though I did not eat rice just 10 pcs hot shots, the soup and the krusher. I still gained .2 lbs and .2 on fat..Really bad coz its hard to loss those and really easy to gain.
  • tnx for this Jim. :)
  • Hello Bean, add u up!
  • I do agree with that! powerful reason=great result or should I also say Powerful motivation=result
  • I really dont believe in fasting, Discipline is still the key. Like if your daily cal required is 1400 per day, slash 200to 500 cal per day for your daily food intake. That way, you will also be disciplining your body not to get hungry that fast. But of course, once in a while you can cheat. But still discipline is really…
  • good for you, you can eat anytime, for me I cannot. As I am watching closely all food that I am eating. Like before, I thought its just ok, I eat whenever I like to. Had a midnight snack and when I tried to count all the calories I was eating for a day, it turns out that I am eating 2500 to 6000 cal per day. Not healthy at…
  • I agree, I myself have different beliefs before and this article just change everything. Bottomline: Eat everything in moderation, Watch what we eat. We do not have to deprive our selves of food. We just have to control. :)
  • Im not really reffering to "When" as the exact time, I am referring it as "frequency" or "timing". Hope my vocabulary serves me right. :)
  • Just wanted to reply base on the topic, I think its both. Iths what you eat and when you eat it.
  • Interesting, want to know about this too. Got big thighs and legs and as I go on with my diet, I also wanted to know about this. Anyone?
  • I think you are in the plateau stage when you just dont loss anything. But you should have also check your body fat, muscle mass and see if the non change of your weight means you have just gained muscle and loss fat and still have sufficient amount of body water. Because if your diet only loss your weight and and does not…
  • Hello need to lose at least 40 lbs. :)
  • I agree with eld2310, you should also monitor your caloric intake, the food you are eating. What I realize about losing weight, its not all about exercise actually, its all about discipline. Discipline yourself to eat the right food and the right amount of food. Its really useless if you do exercise and eat those loss…
  • Definitely in, 10 pounds before xmas
  • @wetcoaster, I dont think it is, but well, we are all entitled to our own opinion.