

  • I'm the same way. Been that way for years. Makes following a healthy eating plan tremendously difficult. One of the things that helped me the most was planning my whole weeks worth of meals out. It's not an easy road, but a road we must continue to walk nonetheless. Keep it up. :)
  • I like this article. It looks to me your an everyday type excerciser. 5'5" 150lb 26 female = 1490 BMR Daily calorie Need (BMI) = very active = BMR * 1.725 = 2570.25. Stay within 1000 calories of 2570 + excercise. If you excercise 500…
  • I missed this quesiton the first time and would like to add a clarifer to hopefully help you understand what's happening. MFP figures your BMR and automatically takes off the 1000 calories for a 2 lb weight loss goal. BMR is not Daily Calorie Need (BMI). Daily Calorie (BMI) need is BMR plus any activity you do during the…
  • I have a guess you fit mine and a few other people's same problem. If you look at my other posts they will pretty much say your not eating enough. at 1200 calories a day, not eating your calories back and excercising 6 days a week.... you are way under your daily calorie Need. You should have between a 500 and 1000 calorie…
  • Alot of my posts say Eat more, However i won't just jump to a conclusion and i'll just ask for more information. 1. How long have you been stuck? Short time - Give it time Long time - reevaluate your calorie intake :) 2. Are you being religious with keeping track of your intake and excercise? If not, Than my first…
  • 2 quesitons. 1. Is your walking semi in the same realm of calories and daily frequency as your running? 2. Do you normally eat your calories back after you excercise? If so, i'd suggest not eating your walking calories. With that being said, I'm jealous. It's a vacation, Enjoy your time and don't stress about it. I'm sure…
  • Welcome Back! and I do say it's a Great day to be back!
  • Throwing my 2 cents in. Take it or leave it but Keep working at it. :) I am making 3 assumptions so please correct me if i'm wrong. 1. You used the default of 1200 calories from the sites 2 lb's a week loss formula instead of figuring our yout BMR. 2. You don't normally excerise alot and 3. You don't eat your calories back…
  • On this page the following might help.
  • I have to agree that was a great explaination and read.
  • My first suggestion would be to remember to have a breakfast. Even a quick shake in the morning or as a snack throughout the day could make up most of that deficeit. When i first started watching my calories i found I was in your exact boat. I constantly skipped breakfast, barely hit 900 or 1k most days and only sometimes…