I'm Stuck!

Okay, I am now at that point where I am STUCK at this weight... I can't move past this goal of mine. MORE like I can't even reach this goal. I'm eating right, Trying to get in my exercise where I can (Even if it's 15 minute walks with my Daughter). I've also cut out my STARBUCKS! You would think that would help me with loosing weight... But it hasn't.

Why am I stuck ??? Why can't I move past this goal of mine ???

I REFUSE to give up though !!!!!! I won't let this beat me... I'm just lost & stuck as to WHY I can't move past my goal. UGH!


  • Fit_Rx
    Fit_Rx Posts: 16
    I am aka Master Stuck ... but I have the fix ... :smile:

    Change up everything to confuse your body - food and exercise ...

    Are you eating 5-6 small meals rather than 3 yet? If not, that will help ...
    At the gym if you are only doing cardio ... change the machines ... and add some weight training ...

    That should trick you out of your plateau ...
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Im stuck too... stuck for the last 3 months... meaure yourself?
    Just keep at it, it will move!
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    Use this link to help you with zigzagging your calories....i was stuck a dang month and someone gave me this link and i followed it and started losing again almost immediatley. There all tons of links on what to do also with your workouts and food. I'm one of those people who are pretty consistant with doing the same workout and eating the same stuff everyday, you have to swithc it up constantly. I was 1200 a day not adding excersise calories and doing the same workout 6 days aweek for an hour, now i'm 1400-1500 calories is my low end and i have two higher calorie days every week. it seriously works...wish i would have known about it months ago!!! I also workout out almost everyday but i running every other day instead of everyday like i was after my 30 day shred workout. Good Luck.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hard to tell without being able to see your diary. You could be eating too little - or it could be due to donuts. If we can't see your diary, we can't offer anything other than a guess.
  • Mysticmarduk
    Alot of my posts say Eat more, However i won't just jump to a conclusion and i'll just ask for more information.
    1. How long have you been stuck?
    Short time - Give it time
    Long time - reevaluate your calorie intake :)

    2. Are you being religious with keeping track of your intake and excercise?
    If not, Than my first suggestion is to fix that.

    Have you changed anything recently? Job, foods, stress?

    Don't give up.