

  • Not a "bomb" other than a calorie dump of fat- but have you tried melting butter onto pork rinds and flavoring them with powered cheese? It sounds weird, but it's great. I like to use these- https://www.kernelseasons.com/
  • My pee is always oily when I am in ketosis, and not when I am not.
  • I enjoy cooking brussels in a pan with oil until brown, then adding bacon (that was cooked beforehand) and cream and simmering it down to a creamy sauce. SO GOOD.
  • It has nothing to do with carbs and everything to do with not enough salt and electrolytes. Low carb diets cause your body to dump out electrolytes through urine, so you need to always salt your food and eat foods high in potassium and magnesium (avocados and pumpkin seeds) or take a supplement.
  • Some moodiness may happen even for a few more weeks, but you will have better energy. Women (maybe men too, not sure) often have estrogen stored in fat cells. When you start burning fat, it releases the estrogen and makes your mood go hay wire! I was a raging ***** to my boyfriend for a month and finally read about the…
  • I just remembered another reason why your breasts might be increasing. When having rapid weight loss, it can release stored up estrogen in your body. Estrogen is especially prevalent in fat around the stomach. Maybe, if you have extra estrogen now being released in your body, it is causing your breasts to get larger? Also,…
  • " Thanks for all of your replies! All in the same....if I'm still in a caloric deficit, whether I'm in Ketosis or not, wouldn't I reap the same benefits for fat and weight loss?" That is a much heated discussion about this. I believe you will still lose weight- but it won't be as easy. Also, there are some SERIOUSLY…
  • It might be shark week for you, or soon, so your breasts may be larger from hormones. Yay!
  • It really only works with very active people. Two of my coworkers lost around 25 pounds on it and 40 pounds. But they were vegan to begin with.
  • I think you can drink protein shakes, you just need to make sure how many carbs and sugars they have. Most "protein" bars are just HUGE bars of sugar. Also, things containing sugar alcohol can still affect your blood sugars and make you not be in ketosis. On keto, your body is being fueled by fat, so give it the fat you…
  • It is all about choices at WFM. If you want to eat cookies and chocolate, then do it. It is a grocery store after all...
  • Yeah, WFM endorses Engine 2 diet which is basically exactly OPPOSITE keto diet. It is vegan, no oil, no salt, high carb diet.
  • Hi! Sorry you dealt with an opinionated employee. I work for WFM in the same region as you (different state), and really they teach us to be open to everyone's diet. I would recommend if you go back to whole foods: the paleo cookies made by Zest (and made in Boulder), parm crisps, and our awesome applegate pepperoni. Those…
  • Also, more more more water. How much water are you drinking? This will also fill you up and help you lose weight with keto. You have to drink half your weight in ounces of water. So I am around 200lbs, I drink 100 oz of water a day
  • When you first start out, it is often recommended to not even use MFP. Eat what you want (calorie wise) and let your body adjust to these foods. Also, you may be overeating because you are hungry and I would say that is because you aren't eating enough fat. Adjust your fat intake and lower your carbs and protein. If you…