PSmillie Member


  • Having a plan is always the first step back on the wagon. Lately, I feel more like the ox yoked to the wagon...hopefully we'll both get on track! Good luck with your plan! Stick to!
  • I make something generic, like chicken, that I can reheat in a lot of different ways: chicken salad, chicken tacos, chicken quesadillas, chicken fried rice, chicken chili, etc. That way, it's leftovers, but not quite the same.
  • It doesn't fall in the no carb category, but... I love to mix 3/4 cup fresh cut strawberries with 1 cup nonfat, plain yogurt and 1/2 cup fiber one cereal. Low in calories, high in fiber and protein, and it is a HUGE portion. Great when you want to just eat and eat and eat.
  • Air-popped popcorn helps me a lot because I can eat a TON of it before the calories really start to add up. But the real trick, at least for me, was training myself not to think about food all the time. Once I got the idea of a snack in my head, it was inevitable. I actually had to force myself to not think about it. Any…
  • I tracked everything for the first three years, but I did it on paper instead of online. I've gone as low as 1200 calories and as high as 1500. I eat a lot of protein (I shoot for 100 grams per day) and all my carbs are whole wheat. We used to go the gym three times a week. After three months of plateau, we switched to…
  • May my heart always be open to little birds who are the secrets of living. ee cummings.
  • Honestly, I didn't lose any weight during the 90 days, but after a body scan, I found I put on a lot of muscle and dropped a lot of fat. As a chick, I did more reps with lower weight, but I did notice a big change in muscle tone in my arms. Even without weight loss, I still had to buy all new clothes because my body…
  • I haven't done the Insanity workout, but I've loved P90X. Well...loved and hated. Tony Horton is great at being inspirational without being obnoxious. The workouts are all different, and there is so much room for improvement. It doesn't require a lot of stuff. Feels good and awful all at the same time. The simplicity is…
  • I had the same problem when I started college. What helped was joining some of the classes at the gym. I hate exercise, but the classes made it feel more like a social engagement than a task. I'd never tried yoga or aerobics before that, and I had a great time...although there were some boring days on the elliptical while…
  • Someone once made this comparison for me: "If you trip going down the stairs, are you going to try to catch yourself or just throw yourself down the rest of the way?" Just catch yourself. Drink a lot of water and flush all that crap out of there.
  • I felt the same way for a long time. I'm down about 60 pounds from where I started, and for a long time, didn't see the difference. All of the sudden, I hit 50 lbs and was blown away by how I looked. I've heard some people notice the difference at 15 lbs, some at 40, some at 80. I think everyone has a different magic…
  • IndyRick, I don't think there's ever anything "easy" about losing weight -- for men or women. I think every pound lost (by anyone) is a great thing.
  • Fiber One cereal! I use it as a granola substitute in my yogurt. Plus, if grind it up, you can coat chicken and fish with it instead of bread crumbs. Adds TONS of fiber to any meal!
  • I agree with everyone on the water weight. If the fluctuations like this bother you, it might be better if you weigh less often.
    in why????? Comment by PSmillie March 2011
  • Shin splints used to kick my butt too. I started doing a lot of stretching before and after workouts, especially in my calves. Plus, I changed shoes, which made a really big difference. There's nothing worse than trying to exercise with shin splints, good luck!
  • Susan, I'm also 23, new to MFP, and trying to drop some weight before a big trip -- so we can definitely buddy up if you'd like. Welcome! Paige