Anyone below 20% BF need to bulk, then cut later. My rule of thumb is, as long as you see definition, bulk. If you can't see anything, lean out, cut down, then bulk then cut. Another thing, if you're bulking and see no fat with muscle, you're doing it wrong.
Started at 230 in November. Just passed halfway mark.
No real secret. Lose body fat% and you will get there. Don't even have to do an ab workout in your life to see abs. Body fat% goes down, you will see definition.
Lose some friends, gain some true friends. If they don't support you, so what, you can support yourself. Side note: We as a community here support you that's why you're here. Hit the gym, make new friends. Ones who actually help, support, and motivate. Ask and share advice, tips, and knowledge. Do it for yourself, don't do…
Wild Rice because it taste better. <3