Slow bulk, or cut? 15-16% bf, need advice

va_01 Posts: 176 Member
Hi all -

I am 25 years old, about 190 lbs, 6'2 and I believe ~15-16% body fat. I have been lifting for about 2 years, very little - no progression made. I am looking to change this. However, I am not sure whether I should be embarking on this new routine (full body, 3x week, looking to make BIG strength gains) on a slow bulk or a cut.

It seems like every one says to cut to 10% then bulk up from there, but II don't feel like I have enough LBM to cut to. I believe if I cut, I would have to go down to 170-175 lbs to get where I want to be. I have posted a few front photos to show how my body kind of fluctuates throughout the day (feel more bloated in some parts than others, but feel my leanest in the morning).

What do you think? Again, my strength is dismal, and I'm hoping more strength + more mass = slight increase in BF, but maybe my LBM gains from the progression would make my frame "fill out" better? Or is this gut of mine too much for a bulk? Help please!!! Thank you.

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  • hvshbrown
    ****ing bulk dude!
  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    Bulk it up man, bulking lean mass will have the same effect as cutting at your size.
  • va_01
    va_01 Posts: 176 Member
    Really? I thought you had to go to 10% bf first… you don't think I have too much mass?
  • _elkahallick_
    Imo you need to cut..... But everyone is different, I chose to get as lean as possible, 6'2 180.6 before I ever started bulking... The first cut is always the toughest, I came back and gained 31lbs during the winter on a bulk, now I am cutting again and it is much easier since I was lean before....
  • va_01
    va_01 Posts: 176 Member
    Imo you need to cut..... But everyone is different, I chose to get as lean as possible, 6'2 180.6 before I ever started bulking... The first cut is always the toughest, I came back and gained 31lbs during the winter on a bulk, now I am cutting again and it is much easier since I was lean before....

    What was your starting weight? Did you look like I do? I feel like I am at a crossroads
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I can see going either way. Both can work out fine. Whatever you choose, fixing your lifting program should be top priority.
  • teddylee337
    teddylee337 Posts: 5 Member
    Anyone below 20% BF need to bulk, then cut later.
    My rule of thumb is, as long as you see definition, bulk.
    If you can't see anything, lean out, cut down, then bulk then cut.
    Another thing, if you're bulking and see no fat with muscle, you're doing it wrong.
  • va_01
    va_01 Posts: 176 Member
    I can see going either way. Both can work out fine. Whatever you choose, fixing your lifting program should be top priority.

    That's pretty much why I feel so stuck… I have recently (2 weeks ago) implemented a huge shift in the way I train and hope to gain really good results from it. I don't want to embark on a good opportunity to gain muscle while on a cut from the get-go.

    BUT I still worry I am too weak / small to cut, yet I have too much fat to bulk :(
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Well, if you're doing a good beginner program, you're probably starting out fairly low weights, and working up (while working on form and ligament strength etc).

    You could cut for a few weeks until you're feeling like the lifts are getting tough, then switch it around to bulk.

    If you're already feeling like you're really working, you probably did something wrong with the program setup, but bulking right away wouldn't be a bad thing either.
  • va_01
    va_01 Posts: 176 Member
    Bump on this?

    I am a few weeks into my new program. I have been progressing on most of my lifts. However, I have not seen a change in the mirror yet. Still don't know if I should be bulking at this point or cutting. :-/

    I still feel like my lifts aren't that great, which is why I feel like I should bulk. But at the same time, I wonder if my bf is too high. There are times (especially in the AM) when I feel lean and pretty OK. But toward the afternoon, and other random parts of the day after eating, I feel kind of bloated, and I feel like I need to cut. :(
  • Iconx11
    Iconx11 Posts: 33
    I'm in the same boat as you
    I chose to cut first and then bulk because then when I bulk I will be toned
    If you choose to bulk and then cut. After you bulk, you'll have to cut and when you're cutting you'll lose mass