How to deal with unsupportive friends/family



  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Oh by the way everyone, thanks for all your advice!
    But most of all, thanks for keeping it real and thanks to some of you for not sugar coating it!

    I actually feel a lot better now and I am positive that all of you here on MFP are exactly what I have been missing from my life!

    Thanks :D

  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    Oh by the way everyone, thanks for all your advice!
    But most of all, thanks for keeping it real and thanks to some of you for not sugar coating it!

    I actually feel a lot better now and I am positive that all of you here on MFP are exactly what I have been missing from my life!

    Thanks :D

    Good for you girlie!!! You got this! You CAN do this! It's all in your head, and heads are tricky places to be. <3
  • martineyes26
    martineyes26 Posts: 47 Member
    You don't need to explain anything to anyone! If they indeed ask, don't tell them you are on a diet (they've obviously heard that before from you). Instead, tell them you are making some lifestyle changes. Maybe the way you express your healthy eating habits to tell not only will help them understand this is different for you, but YOU will also feel the difference and stick to it this time. Make sure you keep one thing in mind- yourself! You should be doing this for you and you only. Yes it helps to have motivation and support to turn to us. That is what we are here for! :-)
  • teddylee337
    teddylee337 Posts: 5 Member
    Lose some friends, gain some true friends.
    If they don't support you, so what, you can support yourself.
    Side note: We as a community here support you that's why you're here.
    Hit the gym, make new friends.
    Ones who actually help, support, and motivate.
    Ask and share advice, tips, and knowledge.
    Do it for yourself, don't do it for others.
    If you get criticize, so what?
    Prove them wrong, prove you're right.
    You can do this.
    We all can.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    See that what I need to get me motivated...doubters. All it takes for me is someone to tell me I can not do something and it triggers a response in me that says "watch me!" I quit smoking cold turkey on Feb.2nd. after 20 yrs. I was told that I could not do it for one and for two that I would gain at least 20 lbs. Not only did I quit smoking...I have lost 6 lbs and going strong. I exercise every day and I am making a positive change for my own well being. The doubters who told me that I could not quit and that I would gain weight are now uncomfortable with my results. Dig deep and love yourself enough to follow through. You can do this....
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I decided to change things last September, told No one except my partner that I was trying to eat better.
    I didn't talk about my lifestyle change to any one really except the odd person I trusted in my work place who have a fitness lifestyle (they understand the best).

    Most continued to push unsuitable food on me at different times which I just refused without explaining myself - it seemed easier.
    Many months later people started to notice my weight loss and asked me outright was I dieting and I would reply truthfully yes but didn't bother to elaborate. People aren't that interested after all.

    One of my overweight friends is uncomfortable with my appearance changes but we just don't talk about it. My sister is quite supportive in a general way.
    I find the support here on MFP is the best and that of my partner.
    Don';t give up, believe in yourself and carry it through. Relying on others is a recipe for failure, it has to come from within yourself.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I have dealt with this in the past. What has helped me was NOT looking for support and motivation. Don't tell ANYONE you are DIETING. Including yourself. When you "Diet" you are telling yourself it is temporary.

    Start by making small changes in your decision making. Don't load your cart with "health food". Start by replacing one thing at a time. Make gradual changes to your decision making. If anyone asks if you are "dieting" simply say "No, this grilled chicken breast and sauteed spinach just sounded better than the cheeseburger and fries today".

    Moral of the story: Don't DIET! You said it right in your post that you are swearing off certain things "while you are dieting". That right there is going to guarantee your failure.

    For the take out situation, one bad meal never hurt anyone. Give yourself some allowances to eat some bad things OCCASIONALLY. If that one bad meal is the only bad meal you eat in a week, you are doing really well.

    Just some thoughts to ponder.
