

  • I find it hard to transition back and forth. Outside, there are a lot of hills and curves ect so your speed changes every couple of seconds and rarely staying at the same pace. On the treadmill, you are forced to stay the same unless you manually speed it up or slow down and when you are used to running outside this…
  • Try doing some biking for 2 out of your 4 workouts. It's better on your knees and legs and will help strengthen you for running. Running is GrEaT exercise but it's not s great for joints and such.
  • When you are eating that little of food, you are losing muscle as well as fat and slowing your metabolism because of it. Eating less slows metabolism and losing muscle has you burning less calories at rest. It won't preven you from losing pounds on the scale or even from losing fat, but you will lose muscle. You need food…
  • Those of us that use the product and have success with it are having success because we use it as a tool to HELP us eat better. The successful ones do not use it as an easy way to lose weight, but as a easy way to get a healthy snack on a busy schedule without having to think about it in advance. I workout 6 days a week,…
  • Check out this website and look under "exciting entrees" There are a few here... Also, I have a quinoa salad recipe with kale, butternut squash and a homemade vinaigrette dressing. If you are interested post on my wall, or send me a message with your email and I can forward it to…
  • Do NOT starve yourself! If you are hungry, EAT! Just watch what you eat. Chicken breasts, fish, veggies, fruits, beans, berries, quinoa, rice are all fine for you to boost some calories. You need MORE food! I would feel sick too if i ate that little. I am on a two shakes a day diet, but I have lots of healthy snacks in…
  • Foreverlyn: I was on Depo and i gained a ton of weight! As SOON as I stopped the weight melted off!
  • You need to eat all your calories and eat back your exercise calories...You are not going to lose weight until you do. Your body is in starvation mode!!! MFP assigns your calorie intake based on a 1-2 pound a week loss without exercise. So you are currently eating UNDER the already lowered calorie intake AND exercising. if…
  • I am 5'5 145 pounds and I do not look anywhere near as good as you... are you sure you are 173??? LOL
  • I have this DVD called Kari Anderson "Reach" Upbeat toning and flexibility for a dancer's body. I like it because you don't need a ton a room to do it, and though its not much of a cardio DVD its a KILLER if you do it correctly. If you find it easy its because you are doing it wrong. Try it!
  • Jferg69: Thank you for your suggestion. I do know of those exercises, but I wasn't sure if working out my handles would tone them down or make them muscular and therefore bulkier. Has that worked for you??
  • ok That is what i wanted to know! Thanks!
  • I use this nutrition line called herbalife. I have been using it for a year now and have lost 25 pounds, and I have a lot of energy and feel great! The main product from the line for weight loss is the Nutritional shake. You replace 1 to 2 meals a day with the shake, the tea and the aloe vera juice. The shakes taste great,…
  • Hey! I am 5'5 and I have been told that healthy BMI is between 125-150. Its a wide range but anywhere in there will do. It also depends on your bone size, small medium or large. My bones are small so I am aiming for 130. But you have to listen to your body. It will tell you when to stop.