Treadmill - What Happened?

A little bit of background: I've gone through the C25K program, just finishing Week 8 now, but I ran my first 5k this past weekend. I do run like a turtle... really slow, but its still faster than my walking, so I count it. At this point, I'm still 305 lbs, too.

After only running outside for the last three weeks and improving I expected it to be slightly easier when I hopped back on the wasn't. My one knee is in a lot of pain when I didn't experience pain at all before I went outside.. Didn't even finish my entire 30 minutes. What happened?

Any tips? Suggestions? Encouragement? --Thanks!

Also, if any of you are here for the long haul and want another friend and some encouragement along the way, feel free to add me!


  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    The only thing that I can think of is that your muscles and bones got used to the slight curve of the road and when it went back to being flat it didn't like it. Maybe start slower on the treadmill - very odd though in either case! I always thought it was harder to run outside than on the treadmill. Congrats on your first 5k though! We are the same exact weight and my first one is on May 13 but I am still on week 3. I know I will probably end up walking half and running half. GREAT job though (:

    Glad we are friends already otherwise I'd add you!
  • I find it hard to transition back and forth. Outside, there are a lot of hills and curves ect so your speed changes every couple of seconds and rarely staying at the same pace. On the treadmill, you are forced to stay the same unless you manually speed it up or slow down and when you are used to running outside this becomes a different challenge. I don't think its anything to get worked up about, as all your doing is changing up your workouts. It is hard to keep a steady pace. Treadmill is quite different than outside running, both with differences that need adjusting to.

    When I first transitioned from treadmill to outside it was hard because of all the hills. Try speeding up during hill and curves and then picking a slower pace for flat ground. That way, when you do pick a moderate pace on the treadmill, its not so challenging!

    Keep it up! you will get there!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Are your shoes starting to wear out? Whenever I start feeling knee pain I know it is probably time for new shoes. Also, for the treadmill to have the same feel as the road you need to be jogging at an incline of 1 or 1.5... maybe this would help? are you trying to run at a faster pace on the treadmill- i ask because i find myself wanting to do a certain pace instead of what i'm comfortable with? there are so many possibilities, but these are several of the big ones for me.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    I started out as a treadmill runner too, I loved it, and was actually scared to go out into the big wide world of hills and weather changes ;) But a friend dared me, so for the last few months I have gotten outside - like a good Canadian I have been running in Snow, Rain, Gale Force Winds and freezing temperatures - as well as extreme heat (it's been a really weird March) I heard that running outside was supposed to be harder than treadmill too, but I find the opposite is true for me: I am faster and have better endurance outside. Anyhoo... I have not tried going back to the treadmill just yet, but I am interested in hearing others responses in case the same happens to me. Thanks for posting this, and I am sorry I wasn't helpful :(
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Funny, I find the treadmill harder than running outside, and I can't go as fast. Other people find the opposite. No idea why. Maybe your running form is better or more natural outside than on the treadmill? Maybe slow the pace down a little bit when you run outside, and try to pay attention to your form (how your foot is striking - try to hit mid-foot or on the balls of your feet, not heels) and posture, and see if they are any different inside versus outside. Congrats on running your first 5K though - that's awesome! Feel free to add me if you want - I'm a devoted 5K runner in it for the long haul :-)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Personally, I am no great fan of running at high weight levels. (I am 298.8 this morning so I count myself among those)... Running provides a lot of impact for joints. I would back off and continue to do a lot of walking... If you really want a running workout, try to get to an elliptical that provides a lot less joint stress. (I do love running but plan to wait till I get back in the 250-260 range to get serious about it again...) A caveat here... we all know of football players who do a lot of running at nearly 300 lbs but that is a lean muscle mass... and even then look at the injuries they incur....
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    Are your shoes starting to wear out? Whenever I start feeling knee pain I know it is probably time for new shoes. Also, for the treadmill to have the same feel as the road you need to be jogging at an incline of 1 or 1.5... maybe this would help? are you trying to run at a faster pace on the treadmill- i ask because i find myself wanting to do a certain pace instead of what i'm comfortable with? there are so many possibilities, but these are several of the big ones for me.

    I'm shopping for a good pair of real running shoes currently. That very well could be. Also, next time I'll up the incline a little bit. Thanks for the tips!
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I started out as a treadmill runner too, I loved it, and was actually scared to go out into the big wide world of hills and weather changes ;) But a friend dared me, so for the last few months I have gotten outside - like a good Canadian I have been running in Snow, Rain, Gale Force Winds and freezing temperatures - as well as extreme heat (it's been a really weird March) I heard that running outside was supposed to be harder than treadmill too, but I find the opposite is true for me: I am faster and have better endurance outside. Anyhoo... I have not tried going back to the treadmill just yet, but I am interested in hearing others responses in case the same happens to me. Thanks for posting this, and I am sorry I wasn't helpful :(

    I've always enjoyed the treadmill, but now that I"ve been doing it outside I might really enjoy that more. Weird :) I'm not quite as north as Canada, but I'm in Wyoming and I totally understand the snow, rain, freezing temperatures and gale force winds :) Go you! You got this :)
  • purplechic
    purplechic Posts: 15 Member
    I tend to heel strike on a treadmill and get aches and pains (knee pain included!). Don't get it when I am outside though.

    I've never really figured out why I only do it on a treadmill and not you are not the only one :)
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I can't really answer your question but I just posted in the Couch to 5k group about wanting to start but fearing that I'm too big/out of shape. :embarassed: So I want to watch this thread for some pointers.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    OP "I'm shopping for a good pair of real running shoes currently. That very well could be. Also, next time I'll up the incline a little bit. Thanks for the tips!"

    I have the Reebok RealFlex for running! They are the best shoes I've ever had. I've tried Nike, New Balance, Adidas, and none of them compare to the comfort. On my second pair now.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Check your form- when you run outside you propel yourself, on a treadmill you're being pushed. It can create form issues- check your foot strike and stride length, aim to keep them as close to your outside ones as possible.
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    Also, for the treadmill to have the same feel as the road you need to be jogging at an incline of 1 or 1.5...

    Agree with this, I get shin splints if I don't have an incline.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I started out as a treadmill runner too, I loved it, and was actually scared to go out into the big wide world of hills and weather changes ;) But a friend dared me, so for the last few months I have gotten outside - like a good Canadian I have been running in Snow, Rain, Gale Force Winds and freezing temperatures - as well as extreme heat (it's been a really weird March) I heard that running outside was supposed to be harder than treadmill too, but I find the opposite is true for me: I am faster and have better endurance outside. Anyhoo... I have not tried going back to the treadmill just yet, but I am interested in hearing others responses in case the same happens to me. Thanks for posting this, and I am sorry I wasn't helpful :(

    Exactly me! I started inside. Was scared to go outside. Now I can run 6-7 miles outside easily. I can barely get in 2-3 inside now. IDK why. Maybe boredom and thinking too hard about it. I hate treadmill running because you have to run one speed. I like the interval of running outside. I can run a mile, on average, WAY faster outside. If I put the treadmill to that speed and tried to run, I'd fall off.
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I can't really answer your question but I just posted in the Couch to 5k group about wanting to start but fearing that I'm too big/out of shape. :embarassed: So I want to watch this thread for some pointers.

    As one of the posters said previously, most people don't really advise running at high weights. However, I started C25K at 320. Running is never something I have been able to do, but I'm making it happen. Keep in mind, running for me is like a turtle compared to most people. Usually, my walks are at 2.6 and my runs are 3.8 or so, give or take depending on how I'm feeling that day. I definitely listen to my body though and change it up if I need. Starting on the treadmill probably helped me get into it, too. And hey, if you need to repeat a day or week... even a few times, dont' feel bad about that at all!
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    OP "I'm shopping for a good pair of real running shoes currently. That very well could be. Also, next time I'll up the incline a little bit. Thanks for the tips!"

    I have the Reebok RealFlex for running! They are the best shoes I've ever had. I've tried Nike, New Balance, Adidas, and none of them compare to the comfort. On my second pair now.

    Thanks for the input! I'll have to check them out :) I don't live in an area where I can easily shop for this sort of thing in person, but I'm traveling next week and its on the agenda :)