

  • I bought a "super savy saver card" from ebay for $15 it expires 2015 and I have already saved at least $300 at restaurants & i never buy online without googling a promo code lol.
  • I love using the whey protein shakes as a snack or meal replacement they keep me so full that I wont even be hungry for my next meal :)
  • so can going over the limit for protein make it harder to lose weight? Im always over my protein but I have protein with practically every meal.
  • I use to work at starbucks and it can be super confusing...The iced coffee *as is* is sweetened with a syrup-like-sugar and is like 20 calories a pump I think. So if you op. for the unsweetended or ask for them to add splenda instead its 5 calories...and also milk added makes it higher calories too so make sure its…
  • Uh!! Im having the same freshman 15 struggle. Im getting my associates this year and am really happy, but disappointed that there will be pictures and friends and family there and I dont even have anything I can wear! My graduation is in 2 months and I want to lose the 15 by then!! :) Something that is helping me stay on…
  • I think tenns is a great sport for exercise especially singles with fewer tennis balls so you have to run after them more haha. I joined this year in college and have always wanted to learn & love it! Especially if someone struggles with exercising, take it for a course so its a grade!
  • This is my 10th day of joining myfitnesspal. I love this site and it is really helping me see progress! Ive lost 4 pounds so far and it's not even that difficult :D I love the tools and help offered on this site Christine
  • I started weight watchers 2 weeks ago and it has been the only diet that was realistic enough to stick with. When you have a food diary I think you make the most progress tho. But I found this site and I think it is easier to keep track of calories rather than points. But it depends on what aorks for you :)