College students trying to lose that Freshman 15?!

AshleighlMiller Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey, I am a junior in college and I was wondering if there were any other college kids out there, trying to lose that Freshman 15? I think it would be helpful to have people my age, in my situation to count on! It's tough being on the go and having unhealthy food conveniently placed at every turn! It's way too easy to grab for junk food when cramming for a big exam! Hopefully I'm not the only one trying to get a higher education and be slim and fabulous at the same time! :)


  • Hey mee too!
    The problem I have is lack of will power, and when exam time comes I feel stressed and want BAD food..
    But... exercising does help you release stress and helps your brain think, I have been going to the college gym EVERYDAY!! I am soo proud, make it fun for yourself, lol I watch TV while working out, then its like a reward, because I rarely have time for TV.
    Also drink A LOT of water!! Fill a 2L and drink one everyday, im working on this one, its a hard habit to get into... oh and avoid pop!!!!
    Find healthy food you like, and quick recipes. Use skim milk and eat A LOT of fiber, try "healthy choices" or michelina's if you are in a rush, just be sure to look at the fat content and sugar... usually isn't too bad :)
    Eat a 1/2 a grapefruit for breakfast, burns fat!!
    Eat less, and often
    You will find you are hungry less
    Give yourself cheat meals once a week or every 2 weeks... makes it easier, but dont go all out!!
    oh and if your guna have a drink, drink vodka water with a couple lime wedges... or drink diet, if your not careful you can easily drink 1000 plus calories or wayyy tooo much sugar..
    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    Does it count if it's more like the Freshman & Sophomore 40? cuz that would be me. But I have an issue with pop and the unhealthy food that is convenient for me - I live in my sorority house and people are constantly bringing cake, cookies, chips, all of it. I'm trying to be strong but like ElleAura, when I get stressed it all goes out the window...
  • ambercscott87
    ambercscott87 Posts: 11 Member
    a senior in college and trying to lose my "SENIOR 40" haha.

    its so hard having to juggle so many things at once and not having a set schedule.

    feel free to add me!
  • everybody feel free to add me :D

    i'm a sophomore in college trying to keep off the freshman 10, plus a little bit more! i've been on this site since June, and it's really helped a lot!
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    I'm a freshmen in college and my number one goal is not to gain the freshmen 15 at all! And avoiding all the junk food is so hard because of all the late nights.

    (ps. feel free to add me if you want)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Hi! It was more like the college 5 for me, but I've been slowly gaining weight since I was a Junior in High school and I am currently now a junior at college. I'm a Bio Major/Pre-Med and if I was stressed, I looooved to eat and would often eat when I wasn't hungry. I tried the Atkins diet which made me absolutely ill even though I was doing it properly. I also tried limiting my calories once before, lost 25 pounds, and then gained it back. I think it was because I wasn't eating enough and my body rebounded when I started eating more. My weight loss is a little slower now, but it feels much healthier.

    Since being on MFP I've gotten a lot better and I've been going to the gym every other day. A BIG help was staying away from the dining halls. I now have an on campus apartment and I cook and buy all my own food. I don't keep unhealthy things here (although its hard when my roommates tempt me!) and therefore I'm never tempted.
  • Uh!! Im having the same freshman 15 struggle. Im getting my associates this year and am really happy, but disappointed that there will be pictures and friends and family there and I dont even have anything I can wear! My graduation is in 2 months and I want to lose the 15 by then!! :) Something that is helping me stay on track this semester is that I took tennis for a course so if I dont show up I dont get a grade lol. Its like you get rewarded for working out and its fun and competative!! Good luck group :D
  • ksumm21
    ksumm21 Posts: 15
    a senior in college and trying to lose my "SENIOR 40" haha.

    its so hard having to juggle so many things at once and not having a set schedule.

    feel free to add me!

    Haha same here! And I actually lost weight my freshman year because my campus is so big and my classes were all over so I had to do a fair amount of walking everyday. But once I moved off campus and got a full time job in addition to being a full time student everything just went down hill, so now I'm trying to lose all the weight I gained. :-)
  • CurlyKy
    CurlyKy Posts: 16
    a senior in college and trying to lose my "SENIOR 40" haha.

    its so hard having to juggle so many things at once and not having a set schedule.

    feel free to add me!

    lol me too! I didn't even gain any weight my freshman year. I gained it all after I stopped eating dining hall meals and started eating fast food all the time.
  • britt_fit
    britt_fit Posts: 169
    Ha yeah what's the deal with the delayed freshman 15??:noway: I survived my freshman year, but gained 5 lbs my sophomore year and then about 15 more my junior year in under a semester. I've kept off the first five for a while and lost some, but I still have a little ways to go.
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