

  • Hi, except that I'm 28 yrs older than you and my name isn't Briony, you just wrote my story. I feel exactly as you do. This site will help you heaps and you'll always find an answer to your queries because there are some very clever people on here who have done it all and are willing to share. Good luck.
  • My weekly weight loss goal is 1lb and I have my lifestyle set as sedentary and I record all my activity. Thanks for any help. My problem is I'm not losing ANY weight at whatever I set it. I agree that it does get harder for some people as they get older but NO WEIGHT LOSS?????
  • My grand daughter is the same. She is 9yrs old and is very active, doing dancing 3 times a week plus always riding her bike and running around. She is a solid build and has a tummy. My daughter took her to the doctor and he suggested reducing sugar and salty snack biscuits and even fruit juice.This should reduce the tummy…
  • Congratulations. You don't even look like the same person. WOW you must feel fantastic. What an inspiration you and your sister are.
  • Thanks guys. I think I might change my lifestyle to lightly active and give the 1800 cals a go for 2 weeks. I wish I could up my exercise but I am a bit restricted. I try to push a little harder or faster each time. Only time will tell. I may be back on in 2 weeks relating my new drama HaHa
  • I eat my designated01630 cals plus exercise cals back, most of them anyway. My exercise is a bit limited because of back and knee problems but I do try to vary what I can do. I should still be losing though surely.
  • Thanks very much everybody for your advice. I am more encouraged now that I know there are ways to get around my disabilities and they are readily available to me. I will certainly look into the swimming and water aerobics. I live in Australia so the swimming etc doesn't present a problem weather wise. Thanks again.LOL
  • It doesn't matter if you have 20lbs or 200lbs to lose, take it day by day and do the best you can, Stay positive,do what exercise you can manage, plan your meals well and stay in contact with people on MFP because we are all here to help each other.
  • Hi Ashley, don't be discouraged so early. Your first few food entries are so that you can see what foods you accumulate every day and then you can adjust your intake to still cover your planned calories but staying low on your saturated fat and sugars. I keep track of my calories,carbs, protein, saturated fat and sugar.…