Already Discouraged

ashley085 Posts: 22
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! I just joined here after seeing one of my facebook friends post her weight-loss ticker on her page. I was excited to see that it was free and very easy to use. Im a very busy working mother of 2 and even though I only joined a few days ago, Im already discouraged. I never really thought about how many calories i was actually taking in on a daily basis. After logging what I consume during the day and exercise then saving my progress, I realize that somehow I manage to go OVER my allowed calories EVERY DAY! Is this a common thing for people who are just starting out? I dont think that I set goals that are unrealistic (exercise 30 min a day, 3 days a week, Loss of 1 lb a week, ect.) but somehow I manage to blow it every day. Any pointers from others who have experienced the same discouraging issues?


  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    Welcome!! It might seem overwhelming at first but you might try meal planning and even planning what snacks you eat for the day. I am trying to do that and it seems to help. I haven't been on here but a couple of days but I am havng some decent results doing that. Good Luck. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    Hi there!

    Personally, I find that I have to log my calories the day before and I am pretty sure a lot of other people using the site do the same thing! It makes it so much easier to keep track and you will be less likely to go over because you know your limit! Usually when I plan my calories for the next day I leave myself about 200 leftover *just in case*! That way if I eat something the next day that I hadn't planned to, I'm probably still within my calorie goal!
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    We are here to help. One thing that could 'help us help you' is if you make your food diary public. Maybe we could give you some pointers of where to cut some calories. This can be a long but rewarding journey and we are all here to motivate and help each other. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    I think thats totally normal. I would start looking at the past few days and see where you can make some changes. Add more fruits and vegetables, and cut out anything that caused you to go way over in your calories.
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    I think the more you log honestly you will learned what bad choices you make and will seek out better ones. Don't give up it's a learning experience.
  • jamielee37
    jamielee37 Posts: 57 Member
    Its hard when you first realize how much you are eating! It was quite the wake up call for me. The best way to combat this? Plan your food for the day in advance or add it before each meal, be aware of everything going in your mouth, and be wary of the calorie counts. Nutrition is knowledge! Don't get discouraged. Take it as a learning experience and a challenge!
  • Don't get discouraged! You're learning something new. No one expects you to hit it perfectly right out of the gate. Try looking at what you're eating and figuring out exactly what's putting you over. What can you cut back on. Portion size? High calorie snacks? For a few days - input all of your meals BEFORE you eat them. So you have the whole day of food planned out as opposed to logging as you go. If it's pre-planned, then you just try to stick to what you planned for the day.
  • believe22
    believe22 Posts: 210 Member
    Don't let yourself get discouraged. A lifestyle change is a learning process and takes time to adjust and adapt. Try making healthy versions of favorite recepies and cut out liquid calories like soda and juices to keep calories lower.
    Good luck!
  • LynMcD
    LynMcD Posts: 1
    You probably eat and run a lot. Try smaller portions and easing off on snacks. Also check calories on stuff before you eat them, instead of after, like I had been doing. Some fruits that are supposed to be good for you actually have a lot of calories, like raisins. Hope it helps. Good luck. (I'm not doing all that well either!)
  • I too made my goal to lose a pound a week. I've had to cut things down, like my mocha intake. It isn't easy, cause I'm used to having three a day and now I either have one or just black coffee. The people around me are probably noticing the lack of chocolately coffee that I'm consuming but it's worth it to see that first pound shed off in my first week. As well, I didn't eat out for the first week, made everything at home. Keep trying, it works if you can cut bad things out and meet your daily target.
  • trish2011
    trish2011 Posts: 31 Member
    Everyone is different, I find that when I exercise for 60 minutes I can have more calories than I want. So, maybe instead of 30 minutes, you could see if 60 can fit into your schedule. (Even if it's 30 here and there or 15 here and there...)
  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    I think you've receieved some very sound advice from the people who have told you to plan before hand. I know for me, that is the only way I can do it. I too, just had a wake up call about hte amount of caloires that I'm consuming. I'm so thankful for this site, and the tools I've acquired so I can get healthier! :)
  • For the first week that I tracked, I just ate as normal and put it in (I started out on Livestrong, which I didn't like nearly as much as I like MFP). That gave me an idea of where my pitfalls were, the sort of things I was eating a ton of, what to avoid, what I could sub, etc etc. This week I'm in what I consider to really be my first real week of "Ok, going to eat healthy!" and I'm totally stuffed, tons of energy, feeling great - partially because I know what holes to fill...

    Moral of the babble? Don't sweat it - do what you usually do, maybe try to make some healthier choices, and then in a few days to a week, you'll have a better idea of calorie counts and what you want to eat during the day.
  • I often go over my calorie count, but the benefit of this site is it gives you knowledge, and knowledge is power! If you see a trend, it gives you the ability to change even the smallest thing that can have a positive impact, like choosing better snacks or cooking with better low calorie ingredients. I still eat chocolate every day! But I no longer eat anywhere near as much bread as I used to. A simple change, but an effective one! Don't get discouraged, use the site a tool to learn.

    Good luck and keep it up!
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    I don't meal plan the day ahead, but have spent some time looking a what foods will work for me and I also have a few staple meals that I know are filling, yummy and low cal that I have if my earlier meals were a bit high. (Like tuna mixed with some mustard and lettuce in a whole grain wrap) Additionally, if I know I am going to want to indulge at night or have a few drinks on the weekend, I make the time for a big calorie burn. An hour or so walking at a fast pace can burn tons of calories and make room for the little indulgences in life. It takes some getting used to and you have to cut yourself some slack when you have difficulty. You will get the hang of it and see results! I couldn't be happier with how much MFP and its users have helped me!

    Best of luck!
  • M1ssBehave
    M1ssBehave Posts: 33 Member
    It's amazing how many calories some foods have. You can cut down it just takes making different choices. Stay away from fast food. (one of my big problems) I have not tried near as hard as I should and have lost some. I do find if I log it first it makes a big differnce. I have often changed my choices when I see what they add up to. You can do it. You've already taken the 1st step.
  • Welcome!

    Sorry to hear that you are discouraged. if you open up your diary for others to see, we might be able to make some suggestions. I am not always under my calorie goal either, but am pretty close most days. It really is a wakeup call of how many calories there are or can be in some foods. You are not alone.

    You can't compare yourself to others either. We are here to encourage each other not judge!

    All the Best
    Gail in NY
  • shayshay01
    shayshay01 Posts: 40 Member
    Cutting out breads, pastas, and sugars will immediatly amp up your losing. If you want a sweet drink- try splenda or some other sugar substitute or drink a diet soda... If you MUST have chocolate- get the 90 calorie granola bars as a treat. The 90 cal greek yogurt has also proved very rewarding for me. I miss chips and pasta the very most, but every once in a while I will save up as many calories as possible so that I can have some pasta or bread for dinner. It's like everyone else said... it's all about learning. I have only been doing it for about 3 weeks and somehow my body is already getting used to the smaller portions and lack of sugars and carbs... and I seem to crave them much less. Good luck!!!! You CAN do it! :-)
  • Hey there, I actually just started a few days ago myself. I too am very busy with a full time job and 3 kids under 5. It's difficult to make healthy choices when you're always on the go and then finding some spare time to go to the gym. I've been going over about 100-200 calories a day but still consuming less than I used to, so that's progress to me. I am starting with also cutting the fast food and switching to water off of diet coke. It's one day at a time, though! Keep it up!
  • wongsuzy
    wongsuzy Posts: 12
    Hi Ashley, don't be discouraged so early. Your first few food entries are so that you can see what foods you accumulate every day and then you can adjust your intake to still cover your planned calories but staying low on your saturated fat and sugars. I keep track of my calories,carbs, protein, saturated fat and sugar. The last two I make sure I don't go over the reccommended allowance. I don't worry if I'm a little over with protein at the end of the day and I make sure I drink all my water and more. I haven't been doing it very long but it is easy. Make sure you eat your rec. calories and at least some of your exercise calories back. Make up your calories with nuts, avocado,plain rice crackers, plain corn chips or a small banana. Even a hard boiled egg or some chicken breast to snack on. Read lots of the forum entries and you will get plenty of ideas. Stick with it and good luck
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