LeslieB042812 Member


  • I agree with everyone else: healthy snacks, coffee/tea/other calorie free beverages (hot helps), gum, altoids, eat filling foods. I actually have a candy bucket in my office, but I keep it stocked with mostly dark chocolate, which I find easier to eat 1 40-calorie piece compared to other sweets. I also have a not even one…
  • It's WAY too high for me!!! I'd blow up like a balloon on their calorie counts for maintenance. The maintenance calories were about 300 too high, and that's with the standard activity levels which doesn't account for my daily runs and weekend hikes. When I entered 1.7 for activity (which is closer to my actual movement, it…
  • Look at the make-up of what you're eating (macros and nutrition density) and test and adjust, since hunger can be different for different people. For example, I've learned that I need to include a balance of carbs, protein, and fats (with an emphasis on protein) in my diet in order to not feel hungry. Also, whole, simple…
  • I haven't tried JM, but have done Insanity and am chiming in since you asked about that too. I loved Insanity at first and definitely felt it in my muscles (and my husband did too). We had demonstrable fitness gains and felt we were pushing ourselves. HOWEVER, after a while, we just could not stand the videos anymore. If…
  • I've been curious about them. What do you love?
  • I think that @toxikon hit the nail on the head when she said that "everyone is different". That is so true! I know a lot of people who have had success with Low Carb High Fat, like @dhadley1970, while for others (me included) that doesn't work (I need a balanced meal to feel satisfied). Therefore, I would strongly…
  • That depends on your calorie needs. Personally, I'm very successful with eating at weight loss calories (and tracking and weighing) 4-5 days/week and then loosening up for 2-3 days. It sounds like a similar method might be what you're looking for. Just pay attention to what works for you.
  • It has definitely changed a lot since I was successful with it (back in 2009/2010)! Then, the points were heavily driven by calories with some adjustments for fat (up) and fiber (down) and they did encourage you to eat your fitness and weeklies. Fruit was not free and only some veggies were. When I first started, I tracked…
  • I agree with the other posters. I had excellent success with WW old points system, but not with their new Point+ because I tend to eat healthier anyway. Since the "healthier" foods have lower (or no!) points but still have calories, I was eating way too many calories. That's when I switched to calorie counting on MFP. I…
  • I am a petite female with a desk job (e.g. very low weight loss calorie alotment) and I have been successful losing weight while eating out frequently (3-6 times per week). Right now, I'm eating a turkey wrap from my work cafeteria. They weigh out and portion the roasted turkey and the wrap came from a package that I asked…
  • Yes, two pounds is too aggressive with the ammount that you have to lose. You'll feel better if you adjust your goal to 1 pound per week. I've found that I get the same symptoms you describe when I'm eating too little.
  • Take a headache pill with a full glass of water before going to bed after drinking--best hangover prevention (along with drinking lots of water throughout the night). Higher quality liquor and not mixing types of liquor are also good ways to enjoy a night out without paying for it the next day. Listen to your body and see…
  • Definitely plan ahead! If you love the breadsticks, plan to eat them, but maybe skip dessert then and get a lighter entree. It's about finding the balance between eating it all and depriving yourself. Pick the things that are most important and try to fit them in by eating less the rest of the day. Good luck and enjoy!
  • Congratulations on your losses! :) The hardest part is getting started and it sounds like you've done a great job of that and with sticking with it! I'm going to bring up the standard questions that people ask when someone stops losing. Do you weigh all your solid food and measure all your liquid food? If not, start! :)…
  • I use an app called Happy Scale to record my weight everyday. It uses the daily weight to calculate a running average, as well as provide additional data like long term rate of loss (or gain!) and other trends. I then just enter the running average weight into MFP, which evens out the daily fluctuations but still shows the…
  • @shirleycalderon5 This is good advice. I would add a recommendation to not focus on your "BIG GOAL". Standing at 275 and staring at 130 can be overwhelming and discouraging. Instead, take it one day at a time. Each morning, wake up and review your goal: "Today, I will weigh, measure, and log my food and I will engage in…
  • This! I agree that you should experiment to find out what works best for you personally. Try different macro combinations and meal sizes and think about which combos help you keep the overall calories lower without wanting to gnaw your limb off. ;) With that said, I personally find volume (think big, leafy salad) combined…
  • I think that there is a lot of variation in what works for you, as shown by all the responses here. Some people can maintain their desired weight through eating sensibly. For me, for whatever reason, my natural state tends to be about 30 pounds heavier than my desired state, so I find that intuitive eating alone doesn't…
  • That's great that intuitive eating works well for you, and many other people too. I think for others (myself included) it doesn't work as well because for whatever reason, our intuition wants us to weigh more than we want to weigh. That's why I know that I need to count calories, even when I have whole, nutritious foods,…
  • @ashjongfit Thank you for sharing your story. So glad that you're able to see inside yourself that way--not everyone can. For me, I am successful maintaining as long as I stay vigilent, once I slack off (due to stress, illness, lack of motivation, whatever), the weight comes right back on. I've found that if I weigh myself…
  • Excellent advice and encouragement! Congratulations on your loss!!! :)
  • That made me laugh outloud!