Tblackdogs Member


  • I find it much easier now at 52 than I did when I was younger. I'm smarter, have access to so much information via the internet, have more free time and don't feel the need to party or binge. I like feeling good way more than I liked drinking too much, eating too much and staying up late. Find a nice plan or routine that…
  • I am a "all-or-nothing" kind of gal. I can either pig out at an event like this or enjoy my Diet Coke and not eat a bite! I think you do what feels good for you and consider how you'll feel on Monday. I'm doing great right now, losing regularly so I'd feel disappointed on Monday if I undid my hard work. But, obviously, one…
  • Congratulations for treating food responsibly! I think that's one of the biggest differences between people who don't have a weight problem and those that do. You didn't think your body needed pastries at this time or a Mexican food pig-out, so you abstained. Doesn't mean you can't have a donut again in your life or more…
  • I often get Chai Tea and then add some skim milk and an Equal or two. Tastes just as good as a Chai Latte!
  • Couldn't you switch it up? Maybe give the gym a break and walk outside or exercise at home? Sorry you find it so stressful!
  • I'm trying it now. I started because of some research about cell repair/anti aging stuff. But I've found that I like the structure. I pretty much finish eating by 6:00 at night and then don't eat again for about 15 hours. Sometimes more like 13 and today I went 19 hours. I've felt lighter and it makes me enjoy my meals…
  • Men should never use the phrase "older woman" unless they're referring to their grandmas!
  • You can eat absolutely anything you want. This app gives you a caloric goal based on your personal goals. Stick to the caloric goals and you should lose weight (or gain it if that's your goal). It's a good idea to try for good nutrition but not necessary!
  • I am lucky to be an excellent sleeper! Caffeine doesn't seem to affect me much at all. But I often drink non caffeinated green tea or other decaf teas. I rotate between regular black, green, mint and cinnamon. I make a big huge mug (travel mug actually), don't let the bag steep very long and then keep adding boiling water…
  • I have recently been eating only until dinner and then waiting 12 - 15 hours to eat again. Knowing that dinner is my last food for the day helps keep me from snacking. I drink tea all evening if I want and I go to bed if I'm getting tempted. The "hard and fast" rule I've set for myself is working very well for me!
  • If I were you, I would get home from work, change clothes and walk your daughter in the stroller for as long as you (and she) can last before dinner. Then eat, put her to bed and veg out in front of the t.v. until bedtime!
  • You're probably not seeing the results you want because you're eating too much on the weekends. If you have a deficit during the week but eat over goal on the weekend, you will at best maintain. To actually lose the weight, you have to eat less. I'm a mom and I know that it's easy to blame being busy and the kids for not…
  • Yes! I definitely eat lighter during the day and if possible, get extra exercise. And who knows, maybe you'll get that 1500 calorie entree (don't get an appetizer or drink high calorie beverages) and find that you don't want to finish it! WIn, win!
  • Makes total sense but I really can't identify any anxiety! My doctor did recommend some breathing methods that could help if it was anxiety. Thanks!
  • I don't count my regular walks. If I go longer on purpose I track it. I also walk my dogs off leash so my pace is consistent because I'm not stopping a lot for them to sniff and pee!
  • I have two answers for you....re the clothes, makeup, hair. Get some professional help. Ask a salesperson to recommend some cute outfits, keep trying things on until you find something you love. For me, anything hot pink (t-shirt, polo shirt, sweater) makes me feel better about myself. Seriously. Makeup is something that…
  • I love sandwiches! When my kids go to college I plan to have sandwiches for dinner every night!
  • You can eat anything you like for breakfast! Yogurt with fruit and flaxseed? A cheese sandwich with sliced cucumbers? Cold pizza? Bowl of cereal with sliced bananas? A good make ahead is frittatas made in a muffin pan. You can make a whole pan at once and then heat them up as you want to eat them. I really like English…
  • Welcome and good luck! Remember that it doesn't change over night. Eat less, move more. You don't have to restrict like crazy or exercise like a fiend. Just be a new great you!
  • I would say definitely not. I'm not sure how accurate the ones are where you can type in your stats but if you can't, then they're definitely just feeding your ego!
  • You can eat any kind of food and still lose weight. You might need to take a multi-vitamin to help get some of the vitamins and minerals that you are missing by not eating enough fruits and vegetables. Is it possible to see a nutritionist to put together a plan that works for you?
  • I find it easier to eat "healthier" when my husband isn't eating with us because I don't feel any pressure to make a big family dinner. When it's me and the kids I might make sandwiches or breakfast for dinner. Both of those meals are easy to make "lo-cal." Also, if you view your weekends differently, it might help. With…
  • Great and informative thread! I'm 51 and have been on the BC pill forever. My doctor likens it to hormonal therapy at this point and because I have no adverse side effects, I'm staying on it for a few more years. I haven't had any menopausal symptoms except thinner hair (not that I've ever had thick hair!) but that…
  • Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm on here to lose about 10-15 pounds and I've been very successful but I keep gaining it back! I'm 51 and am happy to add friends for support and advice!
  • There's nothing wrong with being told that you need therapy, by the way. Talking to an expert, especially an objective professional is a great idea!
  • One advantage to work travel is that you don't have access to your usual snacks or other trouble spots. So I would eat a healthy breakfast, small lunch and small and healthy lunch. I could actually eat less while on the road than at home, where I tend to look in cabinets and drawers for snacks even if I'm not hungry!
  • I get those magazines from the library! And I read them while walking on the treadmill! But mostly I worry about keeping within my calorie goal!
  • There's absolutely no reason to eat fewer than 1200 calories a day!
  • I love Map My Walk!