

  • you are fantastic Ally!!! nice work!
  • i quit smoking in November!!!! (only smoked for a year straight) and going strong. its been hard needless today but i didnt gain any weight. i found that to cut the crave i chewed gum alot!!!! and start running. it pushed me even more not to pick them back up. i can remember trying to run for the first time after quiting i…
  • had this problem when i first started. you need to get 1200 cals what i did was stared drinking a glass of juice it puts you right where you need to be without feeing really full from it. plus its easy cals to burn. hope this works for you!
  • man i wish you would have posted this before Spring Break. i think i gain 4 bls just from being drunk for a week straight. lol its good to know that rum and coke is only 60+ cals. thats my drink!!!
  • you were in the military... you will be fine. the hardest thing is to get started but once you do you will love it. it a really good pace and Tony will keep you laughing through your workout. its a ton of fun and great cal burner. im intiminated by the fact you were in the military im sure you could kick my butt and i do…
  • Go big or go home week! Love the sound of that!
  • congrats!!! that had to be a great feeling of accomplishment. :)
  • the juice put me right were i want to be!!! thanks for all the help! :)
  • its almost like im forcing food down my throat. its 11 at night and instead of going to bed im trying to get enough cals for the day. and im not hungry at all :(
  • daily!!! i love to get up first thing in the morning jump on the scale and set my day. i think its guides me on the foods i should eat and what i shouldn't. my body absorbs different foods differently i really had to find the food that i can eat and not gain the weight from. daily weigh in helps with that. i realized that…
  • Hey, i feel your pain. im finishing up my last semester of undergrad and let me tell you it is a challenge. my first two years i gain A LOT and just now got a handle on my weight loss again. i would say your cereal is always great for breakfast. BIG salad for lunch and small portions of what they are having. and dinner…