

  • Hi and welcome!! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Tiffany, That is awesome!! There are many success stories on this site and yours is certianly one of them. Trying to diet without a tracking system or accountability is a recipe for failure. That's why this site works so well...it gives you both. I have two close friends on here with me. we have all adjusted our settings…
  • Hi Alice!! Welcome! One trick I've learned by viewing the boards is to plan the next day the night before. Try to map out what you're going to eat the next day while checking the calories. It's easier than going through the day without a plan. Good luck!! Jim
  • Hi Mike! This really is a great site. Trying to diet without a tracking system is difficult at best. I have 4 close friends that are also on the site and we've all set our options so that we can see each other's diaries. I can log on and see exactly what my friends are eating for all 3 meals. Talk about accountability!!…