New Member Who Appreciates this site!

This site is helping me to be healthier and I appreciate that! Thanks, Mike!


  • yazmatazz
    Hi Mike! This really is a great site. Trying to diet without a tracking system is difficult at best. I have 4 close friends that are also on the site and we've all set our options so that we can see each other's diaries. I can log on and see exactly what my friends are eating for all 3 meals. Talk about accountability!! See if you can get some of your friends on here. Strength in numbers!

    Thanks, Jim
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Hi Mike -
    That's what it's all about ....good health to you! The bonus is meeting new friends, having more energy, sleeping better and fitting in to your favorite jeans just a little nicer.

    Have faith in yourself and have fun!