

  • Congrats on making the first big step to success. I had my doubts about MFP, as I have tried to lose weight in the past and not once had I succeeded. I am a mother of two, 3 and 1, and between pregnancies and college weight I packed on 50 unwanted lbs. After 7 weeks of using MFP I have dropped 10lbs and 6 inches. I am…
  • I always try to stay focused on the future results that I want to see, rather than what I'm seeing right now. If I think to myself "Sweet, I lost 5lbs, now I'm going to go treat myself with a candy bar", then I tend to lose control and spiral downward. I have been desperately trying to retrain my way of thought toward food…
  • I have the same exact problem. I have a stretch mark starting where the hole was and going up my belly about 2 1/2 inches. I HATE it, but I suppose it matches with all of the rest of the stretch marks I have from incubating two children :( At least the rest of the stretch marks stay below my belly button. Had I known I was…
  • I just started the video today with 2lb weights, since I only own 2 & 5...and I'm pretty sure I'd die if I tried 5 :) It was a great workout, but I have another question. I don't own a heart rate monitor so I'm not sure how many cals I'm burning. Is there a good way to estimate this, or do I absolutely have to have a HRM?…
  • Thank you all for the encouraging words and advice. While I don't completely deprive myself (heck, I've had pizza twice in the last two weeks at family functions) I will definitely benefit from some of the tips you guys have given :) Thanks again, and I will try to keep all of your words of wisdom with me on vacation.
  • You need to actually eat the additional calories that you've "earned" from exercising. MFP is setup to calculate a healthy calorie deficit for you. I've read a lot of blogs and reviews on MFP, and quite a few people have a lot of trouble losing weight after a while if they're not "eating back" their exercise calories. It…
  • Welcome to MFP! I've only been on here for about 2 weeks, but I've lost 3lbs and I'm excited to lose more! Feel free to add me if you're looking for some additional support :) Good luck!
  • Do you fit into your pre pregnancy clothes? Perhaps you should try measuring yourself in addition to weighing and see if you get results. Babies do weird things to your body and hormones and it takes a long time for your entire body to get back to normal, not just your weight, but the whole way your body functions. I'd…
  • The same thing happened to me! I had lost about 9lbs up until Thanksgiving, then it all just went downhill. I was eating EVERYTHING, horrible foods in large quanitities. The more I ate the worse I felt about myself which caused me to eat more! It was a terrible feeling. I couple weeks ago I decided I was sick of feeling…
  • Awesome attitude! Thanks for sharing :)
  • Thank you all for all of the support and motivation! Good luck to all of you mommies out there, and feel free to add me...I could really use some good motivators to help keep me on track and would love to keep up with other's progress too! :smile:
  • You look great! Congratulations...keep up the good work!