Ready to lose the baby weight!

KatieJoMoore Posts: 15
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I just discovered this app a couple of weeks ago on my phone and decided to give the website a try too. I am a mother of two beautiful boys, 3 & 1, and have been struggling to get my pre-baby body back ever since my first was born. My husband and I have decided that we aren't having anymore kids, so now is the time to start my journey without any more excuses.

I am 5'9" 186lbs. My short term goal is to have a "normal" BMI (less than or equal to 169lbs) before we go on our family vacation in mid July. My long term goal is to get to 135lbs by my birthday next year (April 5th). I would love "meet" some other mothers who are trying to accomplish similar goals so we can help keep each other motivated :)


  • Hi! I am in the same boat. I'm 5'5 and 173pds and want to get down to 120pds. It's hard, but I've learned how to eat better foods and smaller portions and I'm exercising alot more than I ever have!
  • I am in the same boat! If you'd like a supportive friend feel free to add me:)
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    I have a bit more weight to lose than you, but I'm also a mother! We're planning on having more, but not until I'm a healthier weight. This website is AMAZING.If you stick with it, I think you'll love it!
  • mommy2halfdozen
    mommy2halfdozen Posts: 52 Member
    My youngest two kids are around your kids ages. We are done having kids also my goal is to get down to about 125.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Welcome!! I can relate! I have 2 boys (2 & 4) and after having lost some weight in 2006- I quickly found it again with two relatively back to back pregnancies! I was 174 when I first started my journey on MFP. Took a hiatus after losing some and getting down to 157 but quickly realized that I needed the support from MFP's tools and community to continue on my journey. So here I am! 160.8 today! And hoping to get down to 145 again. I hope you find the site as useful and friendly as I do! I'd be glad to shed some motivation and support your way!! :smile:
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I have had 9 pregnancies and 5 beautiful children...I am done with the baby making so now I need to shape up! Over 100 pounds to go :noway: ! This will be a long journey but I am going to do it!!
  • Hikaroo
    Hikaroo Posts: 16
    I just had my first (and only), so I totally understand.
    I'm only 5'4", and almost 200 lbs. Though, I have always had a lot more muscle than most, it's no excuse!
    I'm always willing to do what I can to be supportive if ever you need it. :D
  • Shahama
    Shahama Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I also had a baby boy, he is 10 months now. I am hoping to lose pregnancy weight, about 20-30 pounds before December 2011 before I go on vacations. I really hope this website will help :)
  • Thank you all for all of the support and motivation! Good luck to all of you mommies out there, and feel free to add me...I could really use some good motivators to help keep me on track and would love to keep up with other's progress too! :smile:
  • CScholl
    CScholl Posts: 3
    I just recently joined MFP about a week or so ago and am a new mom to a baby girl that is 6-months old. I am almost back to my pre-baby weight, but would like to lose about another 10-20 lbs before we start trying for number 2 in July 2011. So far this website has been a big help in helping me track my calories, but i really need to get a routine set for exercising (even if its just walking 45 minutes to an hour around the neighborhood). Good Luck to everyone in achieving their goals.
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