Two week cravings -- Vent

So, I've been religiously tracking my food and exercise for two weeks now and have been doing so good. I'm so proud of myself for not cheating and am feeling better about my general health already. However, today I kind of hit a wall. I am all of the sudden craving a large greasy pizza, a buffet, hot wings and oh so yummy chocolate. I have no idea why today...maybe it's getting to be my TOM or maybe I've just been eating healthy for long enough that my body is craving those fatty foods back. As if that's not frustrating enough, I just convinced my husband to join MFP, yesterday was his first day and he says he really likes it so far. However, tonight we're sitting there and he tells me how he went out and got a big ol' burrito from Taco Bell for lunch today! Ugh!! It makes me so flippin' mad that he eats out when I'm trying so hard to be good and get on track. And what's even MORE frustrating is that HE is the one with health problems related to his weight (high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a history of diabetes), and I'm just trying to lose to look and feel better about myself. It's like he has zero self control when it comes to food and it's hard for me to stay on track when he just seems to have the mentality that he can eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

We are going on vacation in a week and a half and I have sworn to be good while we are gone. No binging on food just because it's a vacation. I feel like my food and exercise changes should be a life change, not just a change to lose with that in mind, vacation rules should be the same as any other day. My husband has already told me, "Well, if you can be good while we're on vacay then you're a much better person than me...blah blah blah". Nice attitude!! It's like he's already made up his mind that he gets to eat whatever the heck he wants in the 4 days we're gone and it's just all fine and dandy. How in the world am I supposed to try to be healthy when I have someone like that with me??

I feel like on the verge of going off the deep end, and I'm sure stressing about it makes me crave "bad" foods even more. Anyone have any advice on how to stay on track while we're gone? Fighting cravings? Or just support in general is greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)


  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    i know its easy to say - but you need to be strong. Of course you need to vent, that will help a lot.

    Drink lots of water while you are away. That way if you do slip up with bad food the water will help flush it.

    Play a game with yourself. Every time there is a choice of foods - see how often you can choose the "better" option. And then chalk it up mentally. Forget what your partner is eating, your partner isnt on MFP wanting help. If he is eating something bad that isnt helping you then tell him. Eventually it will kick into his brain that you need support from him too.

    The more you can mentally win the battles the easier the battles will be.

    Keep active. Look for the active options. Are there steps you can take instead of a lift? Can you park further away and then walk to the door? Can you get up and go for a walk while he is still sleeping? This will all count towards your goals, you can do this - only a strong person would get onto MFP in the first place and be committed to it, and then have the strength to post for help.

    Good luck xx
  • nkteach
    nkteach Posts: 41
    I had the same problem a couple of weeks in. I think you get on this "healthy eating band wagon" and it seems to easy at first. Then a couple of weeks in those darn cravings return! Drink lots of water and stay busy. Anything to take your thoughts away from the food. Just keep up with MFP while you are vacationing. It is hard esp. with all of the eating out. Just try to stick with what you already know about eating healthy when ordering. You can do it! :smile:
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Just keep in mind that every once in a while its ok to have those "bad" foods as long as you control the portions. I have those days but I try to balance it with an extra workout just to cover my butt. It saves from having a bad attack and going on a binge.
  • ambivalence11
    ambivalence11 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm learning moderation is the best way to deal with cravings. Sure, pizza isn't the healthiest option for dinner, but if you eat only 2 slices its probably only about 600-650 calories, which is livable. And for my chocolate fix I eat Cadbury Royal dark chocolate. 6 squares kills my craving and is only 145 cals. And for a crunchy salty snack I eat the natural microwave popcorn. It's around 350 cals if I eat the WHOLE bag. That's my fave thing for the "I just want something to munch on" type craving. It's hard, but you can't deprive yourself forever. I can promise you that no one on this site will ever give up pizza or chocolate, we simply have to learn to moderate our portions.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Maybe treat yourself to one of those per week until you knock em all out? haha You just need to watch your portion size and not make a habit of it. If you are the type of personality who will snowball, it might be better for you to stay away from them for a while...but if you have a good amount of self control, go for it. You can't be perfect all the time and if you're too hard on yourself it can sometimes backfire.

    Good luck!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Don't let yourself down by using his lack of willpower as an excuse for your lack of focus. Everyone (including him) is on their own journey and you can't do it for them.

    There is a lot of talk about support, I am a widow and I don't have any at home, that's what this is here for! Take responsibility for yourself, it is very empowering, but at the same time make plans that you can stick to so it isn't a form of punishment.

    Good luck and enjoy your vacation, and don't let your weight loss spoil what would be a wonderful time in your life.

  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Print out your post and the take a pen and circle every time you use the words “Him”, “He”, or “His.”

    Your weight-loss journey is Your journey. You own it, every good choice, every bad choice. If you have chosen to put something in your mouth that doesn’t work with your plan, you have to own that choice, look at it with clear eyes, and understand why you have made that choice.

    But in order to do that you need to get real clear as to why you are trying to transform your body in the first place. When you know why you are here, when you have fully made a commitment to your Self, it doesn’t matter what anybody else choses to eat for their dinner. You will make choices that fit in your plan. And when you don’t, you will know exactly why you chose to go outside of it.

    We have infinite power to transform our lives, but we cannot do that while focusing our attention on what someone else is or isn’t doing. We can control no one else’s actions. Only our own.
  • KatieJoMoore
    Thank you all for the encouraging words and advice. While I don't completely deprive myself (heck, I've had pizza twice in the last two weeks at family functions) I will definitely benefit from some of the tips you guys have given :) Thanks again, and I will try to keep all of your words of wisdom with me on vacation.
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    I think the first 2 weeks are easiest because it's all new, and I'm usually pretty gung ho about starting a new program. After that, reality sets in. :laugh: But if you don't want to go back to where you were, you know it's a lifestyle that you'll have to stick with. That doesn't necessarily mean depriving yourself on vacation though! Have dessert and some wine with dinner if you want, just don't make yourself sick at an all-you-can-stuff buffet.

    As many have already stated - this is your journey, not your husband's. You'll always have to deal with people eating all kinds of tempting food around you. The more you exercise your "resistance" muscle, the better you'll get at ignoring it all. If your husband wants Taco Bell, let that be his issue, not yours. His choices shouldn't affect what you decide to put in your mouth. I understand it's frustrating, and it would be nice to have a supportive partner along the way, but you can't make that decision for him. Who knows - maybe seeing you stick it out and make smart choices will inspire him (especially if you're not pushing him along). :flowerforyou: