grazer432 Member


  • There was a time when I went from getting the majority of my calories from soda, candy and ramen to trying to "eat clean". I regularly failed to reach 1200. For me it was a combination of the change in volume of food and the fact that veggies and protein weren't particularly appealing. I eventually found more of a balance…
  • When I count I usually fall somewhere between 1200 and 1800. A 1200 day might look like: No breakfast (I haven't eaten breakfast in years, I don't feel hungry in the mornings) Lunch: Four small devilled eggs (300 cals) with mixed salad (150 cals) and grapes (50) Dinner: Roast chicken thigh and drumstick (300 cals) with…
  • I am still working hard on my tummy but I will say that I lost more inches around my waist and stomach during the last 10lbs of weight loss than the first 25lbs. Keep at it and you will get results.
  • I self-regulate, and have lost most of the weight through self-regulation rather than calorie counting. For quite a while I just had to accept that I wasn't going to feel fully satisfied when I finished a meal. The point at which my body says "I'm done" is usually well past the quantity of food I actually need. Now what I…
  • I have one square of milk chocolate every day. I'm sure those calories would be better used eating broccoli or something more nutrient dense; but I love chocolate and having a little bit every day keeps me on track. If I start saying I can't have sugar ever then it only makes me more like to overindulge when I eventually…
  • I'm 5' 4 1/2 and I'm 121lbs currently. My highest was about 149 but I've been maintaining in the 130s for the past few years. My goal weight is 118 but I'm getting close and I'm thinking that 110 might work better for me. But mostly I'm planning to carry on eating the way I am and see where I end up weight wise. I'm more…
  • 5 5 and just under 140. I usually eat between 1200-1400. If I go above 1500 I gain weight.
  • Well obviously not every shorter girl has bigger arms but I think it is a very common thing. I don't have long limbs and there is just less room for the muscle (and fat) to go.
  • I tried it and it didn't work for me (my hormones got out of whack and I felt like I was binge eating). Stefani Ruper did a post of intermittent fasting specically for women (with lots of studies) and didn't feel that it was positive for metabolism or hormones.…
  • I was a vegan for a while and I found myself eating a lot of crap because decent vegan food took too much time to make. And eating crap was not doing me any favours health-wise or weight-wise. I introduced meat back into my diet, cut the junk and lost weight and felt better. I eat mostly paleo now, but not loads of meat. I…
  • Love a beard. If I was a bloke I'd have one. Go for it, worst case scenario you don't like it and shave it off.
  • I've been paleoish for two years and am on day 14 of a whole30 atm.
  • I always have about 4lbs of TOM bloating, I just chug water and know that in a couple days it will be gone.
  • Beef heart and kidney stew with roast veggies. Cos dinner.
  • I make them all the time. I often chuck a tsp of coconut flour in to get a better consistency and some nut butter for flavour. I found that the key is mixing it really well and making small pancakes so they are easy to flip. Also having realistic expectations, its egg and banana its not going to have the same taste and…
  • It hadn't really thought about it before, but I tend to work out in the evenings so I guess that eating more calories at dinner may not be a bad idea.
  • Yep quinoa just does not agree with me which is a shame cos I like it so much.
  • I cut it out on a whim and was so shocked by how much difference it made to me. I do not have coeliac but I guess maybe I have some type of intolerance, although I've never been tested. I lost a couple inches around my middle from loss of bloating and stopped getting the indigestion that I had always had (but never known…
  • This is always how I have lost weight. I'd weigh the same or fluctuate over the same lb for a few weeks and then I'd weight myself and gone down four lbs, only to spent a month weighing that before I lost another 4lbs etc. I've always wondered whether for me it is a hormones thing as it always seems to be 2/4 weeks at the…
  • I can't do math to save my life but that doesn't work out that badly sugar-wise, right? I try to not eat more than 5g of sugar per item. I sometimes make a smoothie with 1/4 cup raspberries, 1/4 cup blueberries and 3 cups of kale/spinach/greens and tbsp of fat that works out as 5g but honestly I can't see it appealing to…
  • If you are struggling to meet your protein requirements then I don't see them as terrible but the nutrition that comes from a protein shake isn't going to match that of protein as part of a meal. I have done protein shakes and found they were too sugary for me and I tended to overdo it and go over my calories. I prefer to…
  • A couple squares of 90% dark chocolate last night, so good. I ate it cos I like it?
  • I try to avoid the work cheating because I think it makes me more likely to over-eat and I don't really see what I'm doing as cheating; but I do have treats a couple meals a week. I try to eat pretty cleanly most of the time so as a treat I I usually have something that is nutritionally not disastrous but doesn't fit into…
  • Can I join? I've been good with logging daily but I'd love some more accountability, especially when it comes to exercise.
  • My worst ones are probably when I was not overweight at all. I think my self-esteem was probably a lot lower when I was skinny. As a chubby kid so I have endless ones from growing up but the one that always stands out for me is when my first girlfriend introduced me her friends. It was pretty awkward generally (they were…
  • Yeah, its just those little moments that knock you back.
  • Hey, I sent you a FR. I'm trying to get down from 140 to 115 at the moment.
  • I used to hate all veggies. And then I realised that health > taste and grew the f**k up. After eating veggies at every meal for over a year, there are no vegetables I dislike. Ok, spinach might not be my favourite but it's nutrient dense and therefore has a place in my diet, even if only occasionally.
  • I'm started grad school this September (eek). All through uni my weight has gone up and down 90% based on uni workload and stress. I'm so dreading the next 18 months!