hannahlang85 Member


  • I love this.... stay commited to be as motivated as possible! I'm right there w/ ya!
  • Its probably just muscle weight your gaining. Thats a great thing! I'm so happy for you! If your looking great and feeling great then thats all that matters in the long run, ever. Keep up the good work and your and inspiration to me for the never weighing thing, I totally know where your coming from! Oh and I wish I could…
  • http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2007/01/quinoa-vegetable-paella.html To die for!
  • It actually had nothing to do with raw eating. Just a random article I found about cooking food. They weren't selling anything, I read the whole thing :) And thank you slim4lyf for taking a look. It really sobered me up to. It does make since to me the "WAY" it heats food up. It's just not the safest... not that it'll kill…
  • Haha your wrong. If you would've read the article then you would agree with me. I PROMISE to never use one again unless its to steralize something...
  • Avocados are a great source of good fats! I eat half an avocado a day... thats 11 grams of fat right there! Also sprinkle some extra virgin olive oil on your salads. And my all time favorite is extra virgin (raw) coconut oil to either cook with or as I do... use a tablespoon in a fruit smoothie!!!
  • In my opinion.... DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT drink diet drinks! Everyone elses post is well explainable as to why not! When I cut soda pop from my diet... I literally lost 10 pounds just from doing that! Diet sodas are not natural and do more harm then good for your body. If you dont NEED it, don't drink it. Instead have natural…
  • How are you breathing when you run? The way you breath can affect your heart rate. If you concentrate and breath slowly in your nose and out your mouth with deep breaths that could help. Also maybe try running at 4.0, a little slower, and see if you can go a longer distance. Maybe you just have to work up to 4.7 a lilttle…
  • Yes... posting what you eat and how much you exercised that day REALLY helps me a lot! It keeps me motivated to stay on track and it's exciting to see on screen your progress! You'll definitely see results if your honest with yourself on here and hit your goal. Good luck and lemmie know if you have any questions :)
  • Aww thank you... it's tough work I tell ya!!!!!
  • Any fruit... bananas, strawberries and/or blueberries. I also add flaxseed and wheatgerm to mine for added vitamins and minerals!! Great way to get your fiber in as well :) Also try sugar free yogurt.
  • In my opinion, there is no way of target training to loose fat in a specific area. Everyones body looses fat in different areas at different rates. In some ppl the stomach is the last to go and your body will hold on to it until all other fat is used, then start to take from the "love handles". Like for me in order to see…
  • You should weigh yourself once a week the same day at the same time. It is best to do it in the morning before you eat and after you have "relieved" yourself. I try to keep it every Sunday when I wake up :)
  • Thank you I can't wait to try this out!
  • Awesome motivation!!! So happy for you too!!! :)
  • That is AMAZING! Thank you so much for the post! What seems like a small number on the scale is actually such a HUGE accomplishment! And Gross to know that if you stray away from your diet... you know exactly whats going to be plastered to your "lady parts!" Eww! Great motivation to eat right and exercise... thanks again!…
  • I am right there with you! The same thing happens to me every month... right before my TOM I'm starving all day long, even right after I eat! But then my hunger disappears during. So your not alone at all! Just try to keep eating heathy!