IzzyRoseDixon Member


  • I tried slimming world and it worked well - I lost a stone in just over a month but calorie counting is more for me. For those who don't see how it could possibly work can I just point you in the direction of this blog: www.weightloss*****.com. This lady has lost over 20 stone using slimming world and she is a true…
  • Today will be walking to and from Morrisons (4 mile round trip) plus doing some of the Davina Body Buff DVD - warm up, boxing, arms, abs and stretch. Feel like I might finally be getting into a good workout rhythm :)
  • Thanks for all the replies guys. I will look into them all :) although more the protein powder suggestions as want to be able to make my own protein bars using some recipes I've found - probably should have said that to begin with. Thanks again :)
  • Today I'm getting back to it after a day off to rest my bad back. It will be 50 minutes Ballet Conditioning DVD, 30 minutes aerobics DVD and walking to and from my fiancé's mums (just under 2 miles in total) as we're eating there tonight.
  • I'll definitely look into joining you :) my fiancé's brother has hypoplastic left heart syndrome and wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Birmingham Children's Hospital either so definitely a good cause I'm my eyes. It might even be the encouragement my fiancé needs to lose weight.
  • My diary is open but it isn't the best example for perfect diet as I'm trying to do this on a very tight budget and getting used to the idea still. Feel free to have a nose though :)
  • Bumping as I have a feeling I will need to read this again at some point
  • I have an app 'Water Your Body' where I can keep track on how much I have during the day. Using this I have little targets for myself like making sure I have had 36oz by 10am, 72oz by 3pm and then my full 112oz by 7pm (otherwise I don't sleep properly as I'm constantly getting up to go to the loo :D).
  • I could do with some friends too :) Quite a fair amount to lose but trying to do it at a safe, sensible speed so it stays off this time!
  • SW: 241 CW: 221 GW: 211 UGW: 146 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (6/01 Sunday): 221 6/08 Sun: 6/15 Sun: 6/22 Sun: 6/29 Sun: End of Month (6/30 Mon):
  • Hey I'm Izzy. I have 75lbs to lose in total so I know it will be a long journey. But I have a friends wedding in July where I am a bridesmaid along with 2 other friends who happen to be avid runners; we are all wearing the same style dress so I want to look as good as I can when next to them. My SW was 17st3 and my CW is…
  • I want to set a good example for my daughter. I want to be able to play with her for more than 10 minutes without feeling exhausted. I want to be able to own and ride horses again - no point me working my butt off to get through uni so I could get a job that would support a horse if I'm then too fat to look after one. I…