Csmcnevin Member


  • Hello, previously lost 60lbs between ww and mfp and kept most of it off for a number of years. However still carrying 20lbs from my first baby (now 8months old!) Determined to have lost the baby weight by baby's first birthday!
  • Thanks for this - my goal is to drop body %. Last time I was measured it was 26% - i was hoping to get down to 22% or something by summer. I feel ok in clothes, have an OK shape but just need to lean out. I agree with diet. Currently have my macros set to 55% protein, 25% carbs, 20% fat. As I said above i'm a classic…
  • Yes, i'm a personal trainer and a med student and I'm well aware of the science. That said, we all are still learning from each other and am not arrogant enough to think I cant learn from other peoples experience. People have different success on different programs. Obviously there is evidence based recommendations however…
  • Perhaps i havent been clear. I'm pretty fit (cardiovascular wise) - as i said i'm a qualified PT, and run a number of couch to 5km programs for beginner runners, and as I said do the odd spin class and could easy knock out a 5mile run when I fancy it. My circuits involve skipping sets / mountain climbers / burpees etc as…
  • Thanks for the responses. I think my question is about peoples experience regarding personal response to exercise. I know the benefits of both but I think I am someone who puts on muscle easily (ie. an endomorph) and finds it very difficult to lean out. I think (ie. am speculating) that my body requires alot of cardio to…
  • Thanks guys. I think its because I tilted my bias towards strenght training (burns more calories at rest etc) but forgot about the bottom line which is calories in versus calories out, in which case I guess cardio wins up!
  • Hi All, I'm 5'7" and at my heaviest I was 93kg, currently 69kg, working towards 63-60kg. Its hard, i struggle and second guess myself all the time, but i have to take stock, trust the process, dont expect miracles, keep a positive attitude, focus on small victories, get support and try enjoy getting fitter and healthier.…
  • Hello Ladies! W0 : 167.5 W1 : 163.5 (-4) W2 : 160.5 (-3) W3 : 159 (-1.5) W4 : 160 (+1) W5: 157.5 (-2.5) Down 10lbs in 5 wks! Chuffed with myself! Must be all the great vibes i'm getting from this site! Bring on the nxt 10!
  • Seems like alot of people had the same kinda week as me - slight gain. I knew it was coming, had been so busy and disorganised this wk, my schedule / will power / lack of strategy got the better of me. But we live and learn! Next week I know our numbers are gonna be brilliant! Go Team! W1 : 167.5 W2 : 163.5 (-4) W3 : 160.5…
  • Hi Guys, Congrats on the weight loss! I weigh in on a Thursday so I was gonna report backwards on the 15th but figure it makes more sense to post forward to today. W1 - 167.5 (11 st 13.5) W2 - 163.5 (11st 9.5) W3 - 160.5 (11st 6.5) Got my silver seven in ww this week! Delighted! My BMI is 25.1 so goal for next week is just…
  • Fantastic weigh in's everyone one! I'm actually doing this on conjunction with ww which I rejoined last thursday - first weigh in today lost 4lbs! Very happy! SW: 167.5 CW: 163.5 GW: 147
  • Name : Ciara Age : 28 (as of Sunday and still coming to terms...cant we all just be 25 forever? :) Height : 5 '7 Your current weight ; 161 Your goal weight : 140 Reasons why you want to lose weight : because I've put on 14lbs since last Sept and was only 7lbs away from goal at that time Reasons why you don't want to stay…
  • Wow - i LOVE these! It's that thing isnt it, you know what needs to be done, just need to keep it at the top of your consciousness and keep reminding yourself! Reading those I was nodding my head being like 'exactly', 'totally'...I also love setting side 20% of calories for treats every day - brilliant! I fall down at that…
  • I did insanity, the full nine wks, didnt lose a SINGLE pound, but I swear by wk nine coworkers who I barely knew were approaching me and asking me what i was doing cos i looked like i lost 20lbs. I felt GREAT and my clothes were hanging off me. Fat takes up FOUR TIMES as much as muscle. Your losing the fat and gaining…
  • My goal is actually 1400 which I think is reasonable (5'7 student who sits at a desk alot). The days I go way over are days where I have been drinking and then have a post night out take away etc. I agree that its a bit swingy thats why my goal for next month is to try and have it more consistent! Bring on February!
  • I struggled with this too. I just posted on the benefit of tracking no matter what. Binge or no binge, write it all down. Then at least you are taking control of an aspect of your binging. The positive action of tracking takes the shame out of binging and it becomes matter of fact - 'ok that just happened. I'm gonna track…
  • Hello! I'm 5'7 and weigh 11st 4lb trying to get to around 10st 4 - 10stone so like you i'm on my last 20lbs. Also wanna get there by June! Feel free to add me!
  • Samies! Glad we're friends! :)
  • I totally agree - I lifted a lot last year and was definitely smaller at the same weight. I also have completed insanity - stayed the same weight but looked 10lbs lighter. I let things dwindle recently (college / work / family stress etc) had my BF% taken recently and is was 27%. I guess my question is... I have always…
  • Great topic. At my heaviest I was 204lb, but managed to get down to 147lb (for like a day :) ) In general I hover around 154lb and am US size 6-8, but constantly wanna lose 15lbs....dunno if thats more young women syndrome of constantly trying to be smaller! In general i'm happiest when i'm fittest. I did insanity last…
  • You look incredible! Massive well done. I am starting insanity on monday (i've done it before so I know what i'm getting into). Can I ask - how you found managing your deit? how many calories did you eat etc?
  • Where is the 'like' button on this website?! I wanna like all your posts - thanks so much for responded!
  • Awh thanks guys! Everyone seems so nice already :) *takes off coat and puts up feet I have a great meeting/leader here in the US, but am returning to europe and i dunno - the more i have learnt about health and fitness, the more i'm drawn to clean eating, and learning about macro nutrients. I'm looking at is as an…