jpoulsen2 Member


  • Heya, I'm 5'5" with 20 pounds to go - would love some new friends!
  • I'm in Boston! Live and work in Dorchester!
  • I'm here all the time, feel free to add me! Having encouraging comments is really important and why it's so great to be part of this community. I like the feeling of accountability that having active, participating, friends creates.
  • Be careful it isn't dehydration, might try drinking some water or even something with some electrolytes.
  • I love the way it tastes, so find it really helps me drink more water. tons of different flavors! sometimes the preparation of it (loose leaf tea, putting the kettle on, waiting for the tea to steep, etc) takes enough time that it keeps me away from snacking at night too!
  • Last night I did JM's Ripped in 30, WEEK 2! Pretty excited to be progressing through the levels. Some of the moves seem laughably easy, and some of them seem literally impossible. Guess everyone has different strengths! Just have to keep trying to improve.
  • Checking in! Yesterday I did JM's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, but I also just finished the first week of Ripped in 30. Excited/nervous to be moving on to week two!
  • just made it! have been doing a ton of walking (walking three or more subway stops extra before getting on the train, walking to and from work, etc etc) plus killing myself on jillian michaels dvds. as of this morning I hit 2,534 calories toward this challenge! great idea for a thread!
  • no weight loss yet since the beginning of the challenge, but I've been doing some extra strength work outs so I'm definitely feeling body composition type changes. will check my measurements in a week or two as well, they've got to be changing. In the meantime trying to drink enough water, and stick to a good routine until…
  • I'm in Boston (Dorchester) and always looking for new friends here!
  • Hoping to hit my goal weight by Christmas! Just have to really kick butt and stick to my plan to lose one pound a week from now until then! I know I have to really keep on task to be so consistent so I am really looking forward to participating in this group! Great motivation! SW: 187 CW: 154 GW: 138
  • Excited about this one! Christmas should put me at my goal weight, but only if I really keep on task! Looking forward to having this group for extra motivation!
  • I love doing anything by Jillian Michaels, and so I was actually kind of surprised when I tried two of the Biggest Losers DVD's and they were still really challenging! Jillian makes me feel like I have superhero strength, I figured these dvd's would be easy, but they were actually still a very good workout. That being…
  • I try to come up with social events that don't center around food. Instead of making plans to go out for drinks, make plans to grab a cup of coffee/tea and go window shopping. A 0 calorie cup of tea and two hours of walking around stores ends up being more of a work out than sitting on the sofa, you still get to hang out…
  • I think it does get easier to figure out what her combinations are the more you do the dvd, but in the mean time if I get confused and flustered about what moves she's trying to have me do I tend to sub in my own thing. If I start getting off count with jabs and uppercuts and kicks I can do a few jumping jacks while…
  • I'm not a huge gym person, so I do a lot of dvd's (kickboxing, tae bo, anything jillian michaels, zumba), also any of the Just Dance video games, and I've started taking dance classes last month which are proving great fun and exercise.
    in Exercise Comment by jpoulsen2 July 2012
  • Have been working on it since January and everyone pretty much knows except I refuse to tell my mom. I know no matter what she will find a way to try to derail my success and will become competitive and aggressive. She is coming from the midwest to the east coast to see me in August so I am bracing myself and trying to not…
  • Can't hide my jealousy! :-p Wish my company did any of these things at all! We aren't offered health insurance, and get scowling looks if we try to take walks on our lunch breaks. I can't imagine having so many healthy programs offered through work! I hope all of you guys take full advantage of them - do it for those of us…
  • Now that I have a HRM I find I burn fewer calories if I do the same work out two or three days in a row. I think my mind knows what's coming and tells my body not to work as hard, allows me to slack off a little bit because I'm familiar with the routine. I like switching it up and doing something different as often as…
  • whenever I'm craving sweets (candies, pastries, all of it), especially late at night, I grab a handful of blueberries or cherries or grapes. sweet enough to do the trick, and being able to eat so many little pieces makes it feel like a good snack!
  • start by skipping the breadsticks and ordering a lunch portion (they will serve these smaller sizes even at dinner time), then take half of it home and you're golden!
  • I get this way mostly when I'm dehydrated (light headed, a little like blacking out, especially when standing up). Maybe try some water or some other liquid with electrolytes.
  • Thanks for setting up this group! Sounds like a perfect place for those of us down to the last 20 pounds, I'm looking forward to checking in with everyone! So far I've lost 27 pounds, but have hit a pretty solid plateau with the last 22 pounds still to go! Looking for any and all ideas to help!
  • I take a calcium supplement and I log it so I can see if I'm getting close to 100% dv of calcium. It has 20 calories too, but I'm not so worried about that part.
  • This is a GREAT idea. I've found that the closer I get to my goal weight, the harder it is to lose pounds. My over all fitness and health are still really improving though so I definitely don't want to give up because of the dumb scale. I've set a few NOT weight related goals to keep myself motivated this summer: -drink…
  • I've done all the Dancing with the Stars dvds (fun at first but not overly challenging), Just Dance for the wii (can be a lot of fun and there's tons of these games), zumba (if you don't like the classes, you should still give the wii games or dvd's a shot, they're really different!), and my personal favorite is to find a…
  • Just Dance is probably what you're thinking of? There area few different versions of it and they're all a great time!
  • So how did everyone do? Would love to hear follow up posts from everyone. Did you meet your goal? Were you close? Any words of wisdom or things you would have done differently? My anniversary is next Saturday (the arbitrary date that I was shooting for). Happily I will be the same weight as the day I got married five years…
  • I've take this test a couple times over the last few years and always get INTJ. Given how consistent the results always are I guess it's pretty accurate! Anyway, not so many of us out there so if you're an INTJ too feel free to add me! Need some more "thinking, judging" people in my life!